This Is Real Satanism
Pray for Jermel.
Billy Carson Incriminated Himself
What should really surprise us is that Billy Carson has been able to get away with this stuff for so long.
He's been on the biggest podcasts, peddling his wild beliefs with nothing more than overblown confidence as proof.
But people eat it up. Hopefully what's happened recently will reveal the truth to those who have been conned by him.
I'm worried about Billy Carson
Healthy minded people don't talk like this.
Christianity needs to be offensive.
You don't have to do a 10% rule, but that isn't a reason to be stingy.
Donald Trump
Cultural Christianity isn't good enough.
People need Jesus.
Oopsie Richard Dawkins
Modern atheists are sawing off the branch they are sitting on
Old Testament Martial Arts
Wax on wax off.
I was being dumb
Hopefully my foolishness can be a learning experience for others. I sure learned from it.
In my experience, many people misunderstand the weight of this point.
They do not deal in a straightforward manner with the fact that Paul's teaching here requires that normal Christians (not a special class of clergy, bishop, or pope) be able to reason and compare what every potential authority may say (including angels or even apostles) with what is known for certain to be the prior teaching of the apostles.
The only place that content is found for sure, in the current day, is in the text of Scripture.
This simply demands a situation where normal Christians are not only allowed, but required, to ascertain whether a teaching from a church father, a church council, or even a pope, is in contradiction with what the apostles gave us in the text of the New Testament.
If you hear anyone push back on this reasoning, as I know many will, please make sure that they are understanding it properly first.
It certainly doesn't work to claim that this principle was only applicable to the Galatians in the first century, or only applies to whatever mysterious and unknowable content they may have personally heard, rather than to the foundation which was laid at that time.
I see no way for the authority claims of the pope to survive Galatians 1:8.
You do NOT believe in Karma. You only think you do.