Life’s sweetest moments ✨
Yesterday morning, while Selah and Marco hung out, I headed off for a few solo errands—nail appointment and Starbucks (the ultimate mom treat), grocery shopping, and prepping for friends to arrive on Wednesday (so, so excited!). And somewhere in the middle of it all, I was completely overcome with gratitude.
Being who I am, I wanted to take a moment to write about it. I guess in writing, I get to reflect and really let it soak in.
I was thinking about how hard moments in life are inevitable—we all experience them. But even in the hard, there is so much good.
Over the weekend, we truly thought we were going to lose our pup, Abby. We’re taking it one day at a time with her, supporting and loving her as best we can while also paying attention to how she is feeling—more than how we are feeling. It would be devastating to part with her, but we don’t want her to suffer. So we’re listening.
Anyway—gratitude. There’s so much power in it. It’s not overrated. It’s not toxic positivity. It’s deep, deep thankfulness and awe for what is. It’s healing in the midst of hard. Gratitude is a balm for the soul.
I started a list in my head while strolling the grocery aisles at Aldi:
Thank you, God, that Abby is with us today.
Thank you for providing the funds to support her.
Thank you for health.
Thank you for friends visiting.
Thank you for a home to host them in.
Thank you for answered prayers.
Thank you that you love us.
Thank you for renewed energy.
Thank you for time.
Thank you for perspective.
Thank you for joy.
Thank you for peace.
Thank you that you hear us.
And I just kept going. And as I did, the world felt brighter. Gratitude is so good. Don’t let it become “overrated” for you.