Paige Schmidt

Paige Schmidt Coaching & community for women who are ready to co-create a bright and purposeful life with God.

Life’s sweetest moments ✨⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Yesterday morning, while Selah and Marco hung out, I headed off for a few solo errands...

Life’s sweetest moments ✨
Yesterday morning, while Selah and Marco hung out, I headed off for a few solo errands—nail appointment and Starbucks (the ultimate mom treat), grocery shopping, and prepping for friends to arrive on Wednesday (so, so excited!). And somewhere in the middle of it all, I was completely overcome with gratitude.
Being who I am, I wanted to take a moment to write about it. I guess in writing, I get to reflect and really let it soak in.
I was thinking about how hard moments in life are inevitable—we all experience them. But even in the hard, there is so much good.
Over the weekend, we truly thought we were going to lose our pup, Abby. We’re taking it one day at a time with her, supporting and loving her as best we can while also paying attention to how she is feeling—more than how we are feeling. It would be devastating to part with her, but we don’t want her to suffer. So we’re listening.
Anyway—gratitude. There’s so much power in it. It’s not overrated. It’s not toxic positivity. It’s deep, deep thankfulness and awe for what is. It’s healing in the midst of hard. Gratitude is a balm for the soul.
I started a list in my head while strolling the grocery aisles at Aldi:
Thank you, God, that Abby is with us today.
Thank you for providing the funds to support her.
Thank you for health.
Thank you for friends visiting.
Thank you for a home to host them in.
Thank you for answered prayers.
Thank you that you love us.
Thank you for renewed energy.
Thank you for time.
Thank you for perspective.
Thank you for joy.
Thank you for peace.
Thank you that you hear us.
And I just kept going. And as I did, the world felt brighter. Gratitude is so good. Don’t let it become “overrated” for you.

Something to reflect on, and some truth for your day ☕️✨📖Peace and joy come from ABIDING, not striving. My word for 2025...

Something to reflect on, and some truth for your day ☕️✨📖

Peace and joy come from ABIDING, not striving.

My word for 2025 is “abide” — God’s teaching me daily what that looks like.

Reflection question: In what areas of my life am I striving instead of abiding in Christ, and how can I shift my focus to trusting Him more?

✨ What do we talk about in coaching? ✨Things like building a calm morning routine, letting go of worry, learning to enjo...

✨ What do we talk about in coaching? ✨

Things like building a calm morning routine, letting go of worry, learning to enjoy being at home, staying present with your kids, navigating social media boundaries, and strengthening your relationships.

But more than that, we work on creating space—space to breathe, space to feel peace, and space to step into the joy and calm you want in your everyday life.

Change is absolutely possible. The only requirement? A desire to create that change, together. Don’t let old beliefs or self-doubt hold you back—those things don’t define you.

With God, you are a new creation. Walk as if you are! Because you are.

When we invite Him into the center of this work, all things are possible.

If you’re a woman who wants a safe space to experience more joy, peace, and calm in your life, I’d love to walk alongside you.

Let’s take that first step together 💛

Fill out your application, and I’ll email you with next steps — link in bio 🎉

Moments of winter calm, joy, and mega-love 💛“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.”– John Piper...

Moments of winter calm, joy, and mega-love 💛

“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.”
– John Piper

My 2024 word was ✨ contentment ✨

I didn’t live it out perfectly, but it definitely helped guide me in the direction I wanted to go.

This year, I experienced more joyfulness, more calm, and more often showed up in the loving ways I desire.

“You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.”
– St. Augustine

Still pondering my 2025 word of the year…

In the running: Abide, Enjoy, Joy, Gratitude

What’s your 2025 word? Or, if you’re still deciding like me, which words are in the running for you?

Let’s share in the comments and inspire one another!

Tap the ❤️ if surrendering your dreams and goals to God is hard. You are not alone, friend! Listen to the latest episode...

Tap the ❤️ if surrendering your dreams and goals to God is hard. You are not alone, friend! Listen to the latest episode of the Living Brightly podcast to hear more from Taneshia (). She talks all about pursuing your God-given purposes in episode 127.
The link is in my bio, and I’d LOVE for you to comment below on how you know how to quit vs rest.

If you desire support and community in your journey to living your bright life, join us in Live Brightly. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀We’re...

If you desire support and community in your journey to living your bright life, join us in Live Brightly.
We’re cultivating a community of women who are saying YES to God. And doing this together makes a difference.
Is this you?
Are you seeking community, inspiration, and support?
Live Brightly is a space that combines coaching and community. It’s a place for women ready to co-create a bright, purposeful life with God.
We do this through a group call every other week that brings on connection, reflection, and short lessons that draw you closer in your relationship with Jesus.

Growth is so much more powerful when done in community with others. You may come to a call one day (or listen in) not knowing what you need, and leave completely inspired and lightened to go back into your right now real life with a fresh, new perspective to make the changes you want to make.

We’re brighter together👭🙏💐☕️📖 Know Him more, and let His light shine through you, in community with others.
Together, we’ll explore the depths of His love and uncover the radiating potential within you. There’s more than enough room at the Live Brightly table.

Oh, and next week we’ve got a whole live workshop on values aligned living. Learn to ride the waves with us, inviting Jesus in to calm to the storms as we go through daily life together, trusting Him more. His will, not ours 🙏
Join us—the link is in my bio and I’d LOVE to do life alongside you in Live Brightly.

We can walk in bold faith as we leave worry, doubt, and fear at Jesus’s feet Jesus. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Ephesians 6:12 says, “Our f...

We can walk in bold faith as we leave worry, doubt, and fear at Jesus’s feet Jesus.
Ephesians 6:12 says, “Our fight is not against people on earth. We are fighting against the rulers, authorities, and powers of this world’s darkness. We are fighting against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly places.”
I pray this blessed you today. I needed this reminder today, too.

Swipe through for what it means around here to co-create your bright life with Jesus 💛 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​If you need sup...

Swipe through for what it means around here to co-create your bright life with Jesus 💛 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​If you need support, head to for all of the ways I love supporting you! Free Starter Kit, podcast, bi-weekly group coaching sessions, & private 1:1 coaching!

My family 💛 (minus Abby 🐶). Let's chat about HAPPINESS.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​One of the biggest things that keeps you STUCK ...

My family 💛 (minus Abby 🐶). Let's chat about HAPPINESS.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​One of the biggest things that keeps you STUCK from creating a happier life is believing that happiness = feeling good all the time and living a pain free existence.

Listen, if you're waiting for THIS to be your reality in order to be HAPPY you'll be waiting FOR.E.VER.

A happy, bright, and meaningful life is created because you're no longer in a STRUGGLE with all that it means to be human.

You've accepted that sometimes you have hard thoughts and feelings. Sometimes you experience pain. Sometimes you experience feeling good.

But ALL the while, you're committed to living aligned with your values. THIS is what creates YOUR bright and meaningful life. ™

With Jesus at the center of this, life becomes full of purpose, renewal, curiosity, compassion...

Did you know compassion means to acknowledge pain and then *show* CARE and KINDNESS?

This is what it means to be SELF-compassionate. To acknowledge how you're truly feeling, to let it be, and to show yourself care and kindness as you *move forward TOWARD who you want to be.*

Values are your heart's deepest desires for how you want to behave in this world as a human being.

When you've let Christ take over your heart, God puts His desires in there. One of my favorite pray is "Lord, fill my heart with YOUR desires."

As I pray that, He grows me in: listening, patience, pausing, caring, thinking about others, gratitude.

Do not get TRAPPED by the idea that being happy = feeling good all of the time.

I'd love to help you be FREE from this ideology & create a truly happy life, where you learn to accept your thoughts and feelings, stop struggling, and show up as the woman your DEEPLY want to be. Uncover who God made you.

May is my month of saying "Yes God"! Less consumption, more presence to what is most meaningful.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Most d...

May is my month of saying "Yes God"! Less consumption, more presence to what is most meaningful.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Most days I'll share a post like this on my feed. I'd love for you to join me and share in the comments how you're saying "Yes God"!

If you want to gather every other week with a group of women who love God and you, come join us in Live Brightly.

(Link in bio!)

ABIDE in Him 💛 He prunes us because He LOVES us and wants the BEST for us. This is the fruit He produces in your life. ​...

ABIDE in Him 💛 He prunes us because He LOVES us and wants the BEST for us. This is the fruit He produces in your life. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lord,
YES to your pruning.
YES to your fruit.
YES to crucifying the flesh.
YES to new life in you.
YES to walking by the Spirit.


Your prayer for today: "YES GOD" 💛 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Wake up. Thank Him. Ask Him to use you. Surrender to Him. Walk with...

Your prayer for today: "YES GOD" 💛 ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Wake up.
Thank Him.
Ask Him to use you.
Surrender to Him.
Walk with Him all day.
Lift up the names of others.
Let yourself be in AWE of Him.
He will renew you 💛


💪🏼 Put on the full armor of the Lord. Our fight is not against people on earth, but the powers of this world's darkness....

💪🏼 Put on the full armor of the Lord. Our fight is not against people on earth, but the powers of this world's darkness.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Satan made Eve question in the garden by saying *Did God REALLY say that?*

He is a deceiver. He wants to do anything to distract you from giving thanks and praise to God. TO seeing GOD'S goodness.

He wants you to believe that God is withholding good from you.

God is jealous FOR you. Satan is jealous OF YOU.

Renew your mind with Christ. Put on the armor that Ephesians 6 talks about.

Kick satan in the face. PRAISE God. Thank Him! Let yourself be in AWE of Him. THANK HIM always. Gratitude that is pointed toward God makes the enemy so mad. Make him MAD.

I say it all the time and I'll say it again, do not put your faith and hope in people and human teachers. They change ALL the time. GOD DOES NOT CHANGE LIKE SHIFTING SHADOWS.

People do. He knows that! He created them! But he does NOT change.

Put your faith in God, through Jesus. Find your security in HIM.

The person you're following who is promoting new age manifestation, connecting with "spiritual beings" etc... could have a heart change, come to Jesus, and renounce everything she's ever taught. Do not put your faith in these people. They may be connecting with "spiritual beings" but those aren't any spiritual beings you want to mess with. DO NOT be deceived. Pray for them to have a supernatural encounter with Jesus. I pray it ALL the time for people I love, authors, coaches, friends, etc... Lord, meet them. Help them to know you and your love. Just lift up their names. And don't put your faith there. Put your faith in Jesus.

Lord, BE OUR EVERYTHING and protect us from any influences that are not from you. We say YES to following you alone. We love you. AMEN.

Today I'm going to share what 1:1 Private Coaching actually looks like. Ready? Here's how it all works!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​...

Today I'm going to share what 1:1 Private Coaching actually looks like. Ready? Here's how it all works!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Each clients very first step is to fill in a coaching application (which you can do, link in bio).

This allows you to tell me where you are now, and where you'd like to be at the end of coaching together.

Once you've done that, I will receive a ping letting me know you've filled in your form.

From there, I'll read it over, and send you an email letting you know if it seems like we're a good fit.

If we are, I'll then invite you to book a free 30-minute consultation with me.

On that call, I'll ask more about where you are now, and where you'd like to be. We'll talk about some of the best possible outcomes you can expect from coaching.

If it still seems like a great fit to both of us, we'll save you a first session space on my calendar for 24 hours while you talk with your spouse or sleep on it.

When you have you answer you'll send me an email to let me know.

If you're a YES, I'll get you set up for coaching and we'll start within 2 weeks.

Flip through the slides to see what our 1:1 Private Coaching journey will look like from there!

Link in bio to apply. Just ONE space left. If it's gone by the time you see this or apply, I'll put you next in line on my waitlist.

Don't overthink it. If God's putting it on your heart, apply. Head to the link in my bio now! 💛

Let's talk about exactly who 1:1 Private Coaching is for. Women:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​🌿looking to pour their heart out and g...

Let's talk about exactly who 1:1 Private Coaching is for. Women:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​🌿looking to pour their heart out and gain clarity, calm, and grounding
📖who want to deepen their spirituality and lean into their faith
👩🏼‍💻who want to redefine success and feel deeply connected to their purpose (Entrepreneurs)
✨who've completed self-development programs but want to shift to a faith-led experience
😀excited to improve how they show up as a spouse, parent, and neighbor
😁who want to allow their silliest, truest selves to show up and redefine how they see the world
😌who want to be seen, heard, and understood, and walk away from each session with realizations about who they are
🧐looking to process the tough parts of life and peel back layers to understand themselves more
😅needing a mind free from the daily muck and who want to gain fresh perspective
🥳who appreciate action steps and summaries to create a clear path forward
🙏who value a non-judgmental approach and a balance between support and accountability
🤩who benefit from discussing their dreams, obstacles, and desires out loud
✨who are empowered to take action when they have concrete goals, like writing a blog post or applying calm tactics
🥹looking for a safe space to share frustrations while simultaneously exploring ways to grow
☕️who want to truly show up and be present for what’s most important in their lives
🥹who appreciate a coach who doesn’t just listen but hears what’s behind the feelings shared
🙌who are ready to decide if they want to stay stuck or find another way and move forward
👏who trust their whole life—personal, business, as a mother, and a wife—will be impacted by coaching
📱crave regular check-ins to stay grounded in their purpose
🥳who want to celebrate wins, address challenges, and
step into a brighter future

Last picture is the week I gave my life to Jesus 🥹 I LOVED (and LOVE) this Bible. His goodness is SO NOT LOST on me. I a...

Last picture is the week I gave my life to Jesus 🥹 I LOVED (and LOVE) this Bible. His goodness is SO NOT LOST on me. I am SO thankful for my relationship with Him.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​My story could be summarized like this: I was lost, now I'm found.

He absolutely changed my life. Before knowing Jesus, I used about a million different things to try and fill me.

Food, lack of food, controlling the size of my body, alcohol, partying, shopping, boys, books, and woo (enter: manifesting my desires).

There was a hole in me that I did not know how to fill.

I remember back then thinking "is this all there is?" I was so aware of my dissatisfaction.

14 years later and I'm in awe of Him. I needed Him for so much more than I ever knew I would. Two of the biggest reasons being for comfort as I lost my mom to cancer and my father to chronic alcoholism.

But I didn't just need Him just for the big grief. I need Him EVERY SINGLE DAY to make me a person who is grateful, content, patient, kind... He teaches me how to love and serve others well. I need Him to help me be the best wife I can be. To experience PEACE and rest as I run this business/mission/ministry with HIM.

I need Him to help me not get swept away by the FEAR in this world. I need Him to bring me peace, calm, and joy... every single day.

Inviting Him everyday, into every area, has changed the way I experience life.


I am who I am today (imperfect, deeply loved, and full of joy) BECAUSE of Him.

I'm so grateful for many things in my life but at the TOP of the list is HIS love for me & my belief in Him.

Jesus, bring as much heaven into us as we're willing to accept, and increase our willingness to receive from you. Help us live BRIGHTLY in gratitude of who you are. When we praise you, you increase our JOY. AMEN.

God has given me such a passion to come alongside you. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I get asked all the time "don't you ever get ti...

God has given me such a passion to come alongside you. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I get asked all the time "don't you ever get tired of listening to people?" 😆

NO. I do not. It's my favorite part of what I get to do. Listening to you process, seeing your thoughts organize themselves as you speak them out loud. Seeing you get clear.

God gave me a heart and LOVE for listening, encouraging, developing, and seeing His potential—what He wants to do!—in every single person I meet.

I have a true love for seeing you get free from anything that holds you back.

When a client shares stories of how she's enjoying her family, riding bikes with them, taking time to be present and ENJOY her life... my heart BURSTS.

When a client tells me that her and her husband are LAUGHING and connecting again. I MELT.

When a client shares she's organized her space the way she wants and is waking up in PEACE with a CLEAR mind and is able to be present to God, with herself, and her family... gaaaah! I BEAM.

As each client processes and shares her struggles with me, my heart immediately points 100% of its attention to her. Listening for anything that might be a lie/limiting.

I GET IT. I HEAR YOU. I SEE YOU. I UNDERSTAND YOU. I'm here to walk alongside you to help you show up the way you want.

1:1 Private Coaching spaces OPEN. Apply–link in bio 💖

💌 "I can't express enough gratitude for the incredible impact Paige has had on my personal growth journey. Her honesty, transparency, and thought-provoking questions have been invaluable in helping me gain clarity and understanding.
One of the things that sets Paige apart is her non-judgmental approach. She creates a safe space where I feel comfortable exploring my thoughts and emotions without fear of criticism or judgment." - Brittany

If you've ever struggled with putting a dream on pause, repeatedly, telling yourself that when things slow down, it will...

If you've ever struggled with putting a dream on pause, repeatedly, telling yourself that when things slow down, it will then be the right time to pursue it, this episode is for you.


If you’ve spent way too much time thinking about what you should do instead of actually doing what you want to do, this episode is for you.

▶️ I pray you are deeply encouraged today to hit “play” on your dreams, and stop waiting for the perfect time or the perfect plan, and can actively start moving forward instead.

‎Show Living Brightly, Ep #124 From “When” to “Even When” - Apr 8, 2024


Bella Vista, AR

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm


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