Thank you to all who responded to our post about closing; I’d intended to respond to each comment but it hasn’t happened.
Given the number of people expressing desire to see us move ahead somehow, and at Dottie’s encouragement mostly just to ensure we don’t lose the stream and associated url, we renewed our live365 account, although at the moment it’s still cancelled.
We’re not going to just put the old content back up…I think we’ll just play music with occasional ids for a while until we figure out what the future looks like, if there is one.
To be clear, we’re not backtracking…I think Ray and Dottie and the immersive approach are unsustainable for us, and the repetitive nature of what’s essentially a hard drive station has caught up with me. Whatever we do will be simpler and cleaner, if we move ahead.
So as soon as we have the stream back we’ll play something - we’ll post here. At her suggestion it’s just going to be our library as we take a month or two to decide what we want to do.