Be My Cameraguy or Girl in Vegas
I need someone to hold the camera while we put together some rather interesting content right here in #LasVegas. I have the avenues with which to promote and monetize. I just need someone to hold the camera. Invest your time as will I and I’ll take care of the rest. #cinematography #videography #film #partnership #LasVegas (725)305-9560 *I don’t have any money*
Police Departments Do Be Racist
Other racial groups have the power to weaponize the police against blacks. Black police don’t have the authority or permission to “George Floyd” white males EVER! No one distrusts the police until they are victimized by them. Mexicans are attacking the police in Las Vegas behind U.S immigration policy! Grab your popcorn.
Pay Attention to What She Said!
This White European woman believes excessive force and manhandling are best for Blacks. She’s above that! Help Mr. Flourish #finance an #Oregon land buy. 👉🏻👈🏻
Black Man Can’t Marry Like This
This was Ray Flourish experience whilst living in #Oregon. Almost every city outside of the greater #Portland area was like this. He’s still moving back though. 👉🏽👈🏽
Explore Your Desires
#MarriedLife unfulfilling? #SingleLife got you sexually frustrated? Don’t be. Seek out that #BFE you crave. 🥰👉🏾👈🏾
Single? Try Rent A Gent LADIES!
Feeling #depression? #Neglected? #Unloved? Try A #rentagent for the #BFE you will cm to appreciate! 👉🏾👈🏾
Enjoying Her Sauce
Many women desire a #Munch to bring them joy. It’s too bad they aren’t getting their #YoniWhisperer. Or are they?👉🏾👈🏾
Enhancing Sensitivity
We don’t need more inclusion on a #datingapp we need to be more attentive to our intimate needs. #LasVegas #SomaticExperiencing👉🏾👈🏾
From Foreplay to Freaking
It’s not uncommon for women to desire foreplay before being railed. The Helpful Hunk is what she seeks for a #BFE. 👉🏾👈🏾
Mature Women are Yummy!
Mature women aren’t given enough credit for their #seasoning #marination & deliciousness! LADIES 50+ read this👉🏽👈🏽 #LasVegas