This message is for Network Marketing Leaders, explaining what is happening with the 2nd Wave Social Media.
Maybe you already know that this is happening, but if not, here it is.
This is an important message to every network marketing leader as this will impact your team very soon! This message is long, however it concerns something that is about to change the network marketing industry. If that industry is your focus, please read the following:
It doesn't matter what company you’re building, you could have a group of 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 or more people. At least 80% of those on your team, are involved with a social platform. Your MLM company probably has it’s own page listing Corporate events and important updates.
Do you know how many people you are connected to on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and any other Social Media Platforms? Are you aware these platforms made billions last year on these connections? Facebook made eight billions in 2013. Did they send you a Thank You check?
All that – is about to change! There’s a new Social Media Platform about to launch, that is going to take a significant portion of their revenue and pay it back to ALL of their members!
Oh – your kids are glued to their smart phones…. There’s a good chance they have 10 million people in their contacts base. Imagine if your kids, were making $100,000 per month, based on just a penny per person in their network? You’d be a pretty proud parent knowing you helped your son, your daughter, become financially successful, doing what they love to do…!
Lemons into Lemonade Here’s the challenge: This new social platform has a revenue sharing model. That means if you sent me an Invite to Connect and I accepted, all of the people I invite and connect with, and their people and their people, will now generate significant compensation for you. That’s great for you, however, what if you had nothing to do with my MLM company, or you were down-line, sideline, cross line which would cause other challenges within the Company Policies & Procedures!
Facebook moved into your team just like this platform will move into your team. If you choose to ignore what’s about to happen, that could become quite disruptive.
Nowadays, people everywhere are glued to their “smart phones” texting, pasting, posting, tweeting, blogging, sharing…. What if we could be well rewarded for this crazy new Social Media addiction?
Statistics tell us that 98% of people who join an MLM make $100 or less per month. What happens when those 98% start seeing compensation far greater than what they’re making from your MLM company? Is that possible you might ask?
Most people using Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or other social platforms have hundreds of direct connections who have hundreds of direct connections. In MLM, we promote the idea of finding 3 good people and helping them find 3. We show them the math: 3 x 3 = 9. 9 + 3 means we have 12 through two levels. If John has 500 social connections and those 500 have 500 connections: 500 x 500 = 250k in two levels. This is why Facebook grew to over 1 Billion people in in 9 years while it took Amway 55 years to grow to 4 million.
A large number of people who have been using social platforms for years, have well over 10 million connections through generations of people. What if they received just one penny, for every one of those Free Members? That would be the potential of $100,000 – per month, from people doing something they love to do, for free! Even if people in your down-line were making $500 per month, can you see how this might change their focus?
No complicated comp plans with performance requirements that less than 1% will ever achieve!
You can ignore what’s about to happen. You can delete this message and think I’m nuts. Or you can call me with any questions. I’ll answer them with Zero Hype! This new social platform is Not MLM, which means we can talk to friends, family, neighbors and never hear the words: Is this one of those pyramid things?
This is social media and has already been described as Facebook with a Paycheck!
If you know someone who’s the top of a company, or better yet, someone who owns a network marketing company, this could be the most important doors you've ever opened! You may very possibly save their company from watching their network fall apart, by showing them what’s coming and how they can take advantage of this new social network and empower their network!
That’s called turning Lemons into Lemonade!!!
January 2004: Something happened ten years ago that changed the entire networking industry. It’s called Facebook and the birth of Social Networking!
Most people in America are now on a social platform. There’s a good chance that many in your down-line have a Smart Phone and are texting, sharing, Tweeting, blogging, and connecting with others, through social media.
MLM vs. Social Media: It took 55 years for Amway to reach 4 million members. It took Facebook 9 years to reach 1 Billion.
A New Platform: The new iQUnite Social Media Platform live, with a wide range of features, including live video chat rooms and powerful Rewards programs. This new dynamic platform has all the potential to quickly go viral and change the global world of social networking!
In other words, you’re going to very quickly see people on your team, join this new social platform. It’s just the nature of the beast…
This raises an important question for successful leaders. Because, when members of your team connect to our platform through someone other than you, the compensation for their connections, will go to someone else.
Over the years MLM leaders have talked about the goal of breaking $20,000 per month. Yet less than 1% ever achieve that goal and far less than 1% make the even larger checks.
It’s important to understand what is about to happen, when a new dynamic social platform, with a powerful revenue sharing model, rapidly expands around the globe, and infiltrates all network marketing companies as well.
Any time now, one of your best friends or family member will send you an Invitation to Connect to iQUnite. Then, you’ll understand why I’m sending this to you today! These are the same friends who told you not to call them with one of those “pyramid things.” These are friends who have hundreds or thousands of connections on a number of social platforms!
Financial Impact: When members of your team begin making more money from their global social platform, than from an MLM opportunity, that can either be disruptive to the MLM industry, or we can align ourselves with this new direction and use it to our advantage!
The Power of Numbers Changed! Ask people who are on LinkedIn, how many connections they see on their Home Page, under “Professionals in your Network.” The number is going to be in the millions and for active leaders, it’s 10, 20 million or more. Most people have more people in their social networks than Amway. They’re just not being compensated for those massive networks – yet!
The revenue sharing engine with this new platform will generate upwards of $.30 cents per person in our social network, depending upon if they upgrade to our Premium Membership for $9.95 per month or if they are a Free Member. Over time, as features on our platform expand with more value added modules, the revenue stream will increase. A few years down the line, we could be seeing 2, 3, maybe even $.05 cents per person from millions of Free Members in our network. But for now, using just one penny makes the math easy.
Let’s say someone has 100 personal Social Connections and maybe 2.5 million Professionals in their Social Network. Multiply 2.5 million by $.01, they’d be looking at the potential of $25k per month Free Members. What if their network grew from 2.5 to 10 million. Now could be looking at $100k per month, and this could be someone who never could enroll 1 person into an MLM company, got frustrated and walked away!
Nothing to Sell: No selling or convincing! People don’t need to change company or take other products. They will continue doing exactly what they are already doing. They already know how to connect on Social Media. They are already promoting their current products on Facebook and other Social Media Platforms.
Massive Market: Note: When the platform goes live, there won’t be one word about any business opportunity or compensation plan or anything that looks, smells or feels like MLM. Only 3% of Americans are involved with network marketing. Almost 100% are involved with social media!
Choices: How will this impact every network marketing leader? That depends upon their choice. Some quickly grasp this is coming. They take action and begin connecting with their personally enrolled, introducing them to this new social platform. While others will ignore it, and their team will connect through invitations from their friends and family. Once those connections are made, they are connected for life, and if it wasn't through you…..
50% Match: In addition, anyone who qualifies (which isn't hard to achieve) will receive a 50% Match of everyone they personally connected with. Leaders can easily have dozens of people doing incredibly well, thanks to well established online networks. 50% of the total group volume of dozens, or hundreds of personally enrolled partners, will absolutely be setting new records in the industry!
Right now, we’re reaching out to other net-workers letting them know this is coming and how this is going to impact both the social media as well as the network marketing industry!
It’s Your Move: Unlike Facebook, this is an “invitation only” Social Platform (partly because that is the way we can calculate who to pay and how much). Consider yourself invited.
You now know this is coming and the importance of doing something before it infiltrates your team! Just like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn…. this new platform will move into your team! But this time, the revenue sharing will change the game and the impact on every MLM team around the world!
How is iQLife different than Traditional MLM? Free members in MLM are non-existent. Over 95% of the people that join the 2nd Wave of Social Media will be free members.
Free members in MLM are of no value. We will be rewarded/paid on free members.
Traditional MLM is based on recruiting people to make sales. If no sales are made, you make no income. We are looking for people that want to be rewarded to connect with family & friends. Income with us is based on connections.
Traditional MLM typically have a high start up cost with an expensive auto ship. They charge these fees to keep their company afloat. With us it’s $9.95 a month or free. Premium members earn market share (income) Free members earn rewards.
When a potential partner says “no” to you in MLM, it’s most definitely a no. When a potential partner says “no” to be a first inviter, they are saying that they don’t want to promote. Doesn't mean that they will not join for free and earn rewards.
With MLM you need to convince people to change their buying habits. (Try my potion, lotion, pills etc.) You are very limited on your audience. With us, most everybody uses social media and are familiar with it. Social media is used worldwide.
MLM Arena (past & present members) 17 million members. Social Media Arena has over 2 billion Active users.