I always thought that bit by Kat Williams was so funny Now I get it bc omg…he is hard to keep up with😅 he is
I always knew that nobody parties like moms on their nights where they have no kids and no responsibilities,
I always have to pet all the doggies! If you want to meet people get a dog or puppy and go out with it! 😍🥰 @d
How many people come see me from TikTok There were a few people that didn’t want to be part of the video & I
How many of y’all missed your flight bc President Biden came to RDU today #president #raleigh #raleighnc #clo
How many credit card reciepts do bartenders have to enter in a night I started entering as many as i could at
How am I just now learning that kegs and cans can’t get “skunked” by removing it from the cooler and putting
Hoping the algorithm gets this to the right group of people #unclejessieshonkytonk #bartenderstories
Hoping my progression will speed up now that my water is broken This epidural is the best thing ever #laboran
He was actually really excited to do this TikTok with me He loved answering these bartender purge day questio
He was actually really excited to do this TikTok with me He loved answering these bartender purge day questio
He was 71 when he passed & I’ve known him 10 years He started out as a regular for the first 6 yrs until the