The Brew Crime Podcast guys and I are back with your “daily” BrewVerie Report for this month!
We bring you news from all around the world.
This episode includes octopuses on molly, tech that can see through your walls, artillery shell shoved up a butt, a pigeon carrying a mini meth-filled backpack, ransomeware group apologizes to children’s hospital, Samuel L. Jackson celebrates his birthday on Twitter hardcore, Alex Jones thinks he’s too sexy for your party, Carole Baskin roars that her husband is alive, and much more!
Also, are you interested in taking deep dives into crime cases? Discovering facts you (possibly) didn’t know? Do you like discussing cases with others?
You should come to my first online show on February 12th! My special guest co-host is my partner in true crime, J.T. from Brew Crime!
You can choose the show, after party, or both. Whatever you’d like to do!
🎟️ Tickets:
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Episode 140.
Justice for Adolfo Vega: Murdered in California City
In April of 2022, 41-year-old Adolfo Vega was assaulted by two men, one of whom was a felon on probation.
As those two sat in jail, Adolfo was killed in the driveway of an abandoned home.
With Adolfo now deceased, the two men who assaulted him were released and the multiple charges were dropped.
The man who murdered Adolfo was taken into custody and gave a confession. That should be the end but unfortunately it isn’t.
This is the story of Adolfo Vega’s assault, murder, how law enforcement failed to do their job, and ignored the Vega family for months.
Nancy’s TikTok: JusticeForAdolfoVega
Nancy’s Twitter: AdolfoVega2022
Nancy’s Instagram: NancyBeingNancy
Please sign the petition:
A few of the newest episodes.
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Welcome home, Adnan! ❤️⚖️
We celebrate Adnan’s release and at the exact same time, with just as much passion, we want REAL justice for Hae, too! 🙏🏻
Justice over convictions. Justice for Hae Min Lee!
Amazing, incredible work Rabia Chaudry, Undisclosed Podcast, and everyone who has worked tirelessly for justice!
We know who was there from the beginning (Rabia) and more importantly, so does Adnan and his family.
#adnansyed #adnanisfree #freedadnan #rabiachaudry #marilynmosby #undisclosed #undisclosedpodcast #adnansyedcase #adnansyedisfinallyfree #rabiafreedadnan #wrongfulconviction #wrongfulconvictionssteallives #wrongfulconvictionsmatter #justiceoverconvictions #justicefortheinnocent #justiceforhae #justiceforhaeminlee #baltimoremaryland #baltimoremd📍 #truecrimecommunity #truecrime #truecrimepodcast #truecrimepodcasts #crimecase #crimes #judicialsystem #courtsystem #corruptlawyer #bradyviolation #bradyviolations