I am thrilled to announce that my business has been awarded as ✨One of the Best✨ Business to Business Services in ALL of Kane County for the 4th consecutive year! Only three businesses were selected, and I am proud to say that Kristen Holly, LLC was one of the three recognized. I am excited to officially share that I will be featured in an editorial in a magazine in July, which will cover my journey of starting my small business.
The road to this achievement has been long and challenging. I have made mistakes, felt defeated, and experienced moments of doubt. However, navigating through these challenges has made me a stronger business owner, and I continually remind myself that my time is valuable.
Many of my small business clients have also received recognition in the Best of Kane County and One of the Best of Kane County categories. I am incredibly proud of their accomplishments and grateful for the opportunity to assist them with their social media and marketing goals. It's hard to believe that this August will mark the 5th anniversary of when I decided to start my own business. I am inspired by the amazing clients I have had the opportunity to work with and the wonderful things they continue to achieve. I am proud to be their daily cheerleader and to help share their stories through creative marketing, showcasing what they do best.
A big thank you to my biggest cheerleader, my supportive husband Eddie, and to the rest of my encouraging family and friends for inspiring me to continue working towards my dreams!