As the Spring Issue (40-1) makes its way to the printer we would like to take this moment to announce the new editor of the JCGBA. After three years, Adrian (Adie) Whitaker will be handing the reins to Dr. Seetha Reddy!
Dr. Reddy has nearly 30 years of experience as both an ethnographer and archaeologist. Her anthropological interests include subsistence systems, settlement patterns, human behavior, and environmental management in pre-contact and Mission Period contexts. She has published extensively on paleoethnobotany, pre-contact subsistence and settlement, Native American persistence, and Mission Period archaeology. She was a founding member and served as chair of the Women in California Archaeology Committee of the Society for California Archaeology. Given her diverse background, Dr. Reddy will bring new perspectives and a wide breadth of knowledge to the Journal.
The role of an editor is no small feat. Thank you, Dr. Whitaker, for your countless hours fostering manuscripts, managing reviews, and for your commitment to the anthropological community.
Submit a manuscript online through https://escholarship.org/uc/ucmercedlibrary_jcgba!