Happy New Years! Wishing you and all of your loved ones health, prosperity, and happiness in the new year.
May the holiday season fill your home with joy, your heart with love, and your life with laughter.
The developer argues that it needs the easements to keep the project on track and meet its commitment to the BPU.
Read More: http://rtoinside.ly/67HQ50I99Fs
Host | National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
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Host | NECA
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“Today, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.” #HappyNewYears! 🎆
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Happy Thanksgiving Insiders!
The petition asks CARB for rulemaking to amend its low-carbon fuel standard to exclude all fuels derived from factory farm gas; or to account for emissions over the entire lifecycle of the dairy-manure biomethane.
Read More | http://rtoinside.ly/Rbyk50GG5KN
✏️| Elaine Goodman
Stakeholders pushed back on MISO’s plan to group all stakeholder meetings of its main parent entities into eight separate weeks during the year. That would mean five all-day meetings will be packed into a single week.
Read More | http://rtoinside.ly/wBOY50GG5vs
✏️| Amanda D. Cook
For 2022, NERC is proposing a total budget of $88 million, about $5.1 million higher than last year’s. Assessments are planned to increase by 8.9% to $78.3 million, with additional funding of $9.9 million.
Read More | http://rtoinside.ly/qvC350GG5cx
✏️| Holden Mann
Republican Glenn Youngkin's victory in the Virginia gubernatorial race Tuesday and GOP gains in the legislature showed that predictions that the commonwealth had become a reliably blue state were incorrect.
Read Full Story | http://rtoinside.ly/e65f50GG53p
✏️| Rich Heidorn