How We Deal With Human Waste Living Off Grid - Hot Compost
When living off grid, one of the biggest considerations is how to deal with human waste. We are told that human waste is dangerous, gross, stinky etc but when dealt with properly, it is really not that scary or bad. We have tried three different composting bin set ups, and found this cheap and easy way to be the most effective in supporting a hot compost.
Off Grid Couple Hanging Out In Their Tree House
This video starts out with a morning routine, living off grid. We feed the chickens, tend to the garden, and prepare for a day of work (at home) during a pandemic.
Chores have to be an appreciated thing up here in the woods, they are never ending, and always piling up. Free time sometimes feels like chopping wood, feeding chickens, tending to the garden, and organizing life while living in a small space.
Come with us for a day in our life as spring hits its beautiful peak, as our little rooster follows us around.
Disaster Strikes On Our Off Grid Property
Over the weekend, we had a pretty major storm pass through. While I was at work preparing for flooding elsewhere, Greg was at home sending me photos throughout the day of a serious situation that was happening at home. Once I was able to make it home, It was pretty clear to see that nature is a powerful force and that we would have a lot of work to do in the coming weeks.
Thanks for watching!