After much deliberation, we have finally come to the bittersweet decision to discontinue vending with the New York State Fair effective this year. While this decision has been considered for several seasons, there are several factors making this the appropriate time to change. Some of the reasons include the decline of fairgoers, the political style decision-making, poor communication and annually increasing rent.
On a positive note, one more reason this decision has been made now is due to the conclusion of discussions regarding a 2nd location at the Erie County Fair in Hamburg, NY. We have been given the green light to do so and they will take good care of us as always there. I firmly believe that even a second location there has more potential than any location in Syracuse based on all the numbers.
This will cut the season from 25 days down to 12 allowing me to work full time elsewhere and have close to the same fair season without missing as much time with my family. This will require investment in a second building which will be identical in size, but only similar in design. I will follow up with as many pictures as I can remember to take throughout the process which has already begun. Thank you all for your continued support. I hope some of you can make it to the Erie County Fair this year and keep in mind, I may be looking to hire help for the second location! Happy holidays.