Strategy & Tactics Press

Strategy & Tactics Press S&T Press is the publisher of three of the finest military history magazines and games.

Strategy & Tactics Press is one of the world’s leading military history publishing companies. We focus on magazines about military history and our passion for in-depth understanding of the how and why of battles and campaigns. We are especially enthusiastic about developing simulation games on military conflicts to further our understanding. We publish three magazines in both a newsstand magazine

edition as well as a premium edition that comes with a game on the same topic as one of the feature articles in the issue. Through a sister company (Decision Games), we also publish board games in a range of formats. We also publish books that go into greater depth on specific topics with our trademark copious maps (over 200 maps in one book!).


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Available Now!World at War  #97 - Magazine

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World at War #97 - Magazine

Army Group North, 1941

Adolf Hi**er initiated planning for the invasion of the Soviet Union on 21 July 1940. He did so immediately after the Soviet occupation of the Romanian border province of Bessarabia, which put their tanks within 100 miles of the vital Ploesti oilfield. The Fuehrer began by ordering army commander-in-chief Field Marshal Walter von Brauchitsch to provide a study on the requirements for such a campaign. The objectives he wanted secured included effectively destroying all of the Red Army in western Russia and occupying territory there in sufficient depth to prevent the enemy air force from attacking Ploesti and German industry. In turn, the field marshal delegated Brig. Gen. Erich Marcks to work out the details.

Other articles:
MacArthur’s Best General: George Kenney
Gen. Wever’s Vision for the Luftwaffe
Operation Torch

Mailed 06/27/2024 to Subscribers. Please allow 6-8 weeks for USPS delivery.

Strategy & Tactics Quarterly | Feedback SurveyWe are surveying with a multi-round proposal system (like our game design ...

Strategy & Tactics Quarterly | Feedback Survey

We are surveying with a multi-round proposal system (like our game design proposal system). Authors are invited to submit proposals for STQ issues with brief outlines of the focus of their in-depth look at the proposed topic or subject. This way, readers will have an opportunity to consider the author’s perspective focus in their choices (and can provide feedback about the topic and the presentation at the beginning of the projects).

We are conducting this preliminary round to reduce the proposals to four to five finalists in each of the four categories. The final round will appear in a future S&T Quarterly issue.
Survey ends 26 June 2024 at 11:59 PT.

June Deal of the Month continues! Last chance to get those missing issues for your magazine collection.A technical issue...

June Deal of the Month continues! Last chance to get those missing issues for your magazine collection.

A technical issue with the form has been fixed. It you tried to order recently and were unable to fill out the form correctly, it is now working properly. If you have any problems, please contact our office during office hours. [email protected]

Available Now!Strategty & Tactics  #347 - Magazine

Available Now!
Strategty & Tactics #347 - Magazine

Operation Holland: The Battle of the Bulge That Might Have Been

No matter the difficulties involved, by the autumn of 1944 it was clear to Hi**er was some great battlefield victory was the essential prerequisite to successful negotiations for an overall settlement of the war that would allow him to remain alive and in power. One plan he considered was Operation Holland, which would have sent his forces striking from the Roermund area 78 miles over open country to Antwerp.

Other feature articles including:
The Warlord Cao Cao
The Dade Massacre
The Battle of Ap Bac

Mailed 5/10/2024 to Subscribers. Allow 6-8 weeks for USPS delivery.

Available Now!Strategy & Tactics Quarterly  #26Alternative Strategies for WWI

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Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #26
Alternative Strategies for WWI

The illusion of European harmony was shattered in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914, when a Serbian assassin killed the heir-apparent to the multiple thrones comprising the empire of Austria-Hungary. It looked at first like just another incident in the Balkan saga. This time, however, it rapidly spun out of control. The continent’s great powers, enmeshed by ambitions and treaties, were drawn into the crisis. By the end of July, the continent was at war.

Mailed 04/27/2024 to Subscribers. Allow 4-6 weeks for USPS delivery.

Available Now!World at War  #96 - Magazine

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World at War #96 - Magazine

War Plan Z: The Kriegsmarine Strikes

When the war started, the German Navy was unprepared for a surface campaign in the Atlantic. However, the aborted pre-war “Plan Z” had called for the creation of a fleet that could challenge the Allies in that way. Had Hi**er followed that strategy, the war in Europe would have been entirely different.

Other articles:
Tulagi: The First Step
Red Thunder, The Soviet Baltic Offensive: Jan–Jul 1944
Logistics in the North Africa Campaign

Mailed 04/11/2024 to Subscribers. Please allow 6-8 weeks for USPS delivery.

Available Now!World at War  #95 - Magazine

Available Now!
World at War #95 - Magazine

Khalkin-Gol War in Inner Asia. In 1939 Japan and the USSR fought a small war on the border between Manchukuo (Japanese-controlled Manchuria) and the People’s Republic of Mongolia (a Soviet satellite). The fighting’s outcome turned Japanese ambitions toward the Pacific, but that was not foreordained. The Japanese made plans for a wider war against the Soviets, and that easily might have been the scenario that played out.

Other articles:
The Rise of Soviet Airpower 1917–41
Germany’s Missiles
The Falaise Gap Halt Order

Mailed 02/08/2024 to Subscribers. Please allow 6-8 weeks for USPS delivery.

Available Now!Strategy & Tactics Quarterly  #25: Fall of Rome

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Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #25: Fall of Rome

The Hollow Empire
In AD 284, Diocletian came to power as sole emperor. He reorganized the Roman state to ensure an orderly succession of government and create an efficient military. The Empire stabilized over the ensuing decades, but in 376, a new crisis arose on the Danube, which resulted in the Goths and other barbarian peoples moving into the Empire. This unleashed a chain of events that led to one of the most significant defeats in battle for the Romans in their history.

Mailed 2/7/2024 to Subscribers. Allow 4-6 weeks for USPS delivery.

Available Now!Strategty & Tactics  #345 - Magazine

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Strategty & Tactics #345 - Magazine

The Tanks of August: The Russian-Georgian War of 2008

The Soviet Republic of Georgia endured three wars during the years of the collapse of the USSR: the Georgian Civil War (1991–93), the South Ossetia War (1991–92) and the Abkhazia War (1992–93). That left the country devastated and divided, and set the conditions for the five day war against resurgent Russia in August 2008.

Other feature articles including:
The Battle of Arsuf
Japan’s Strike South Plan: A Strategic Analysis
The Republic of Texas Navy

Mailed 1/26/2024 to Subscribers. Allow 6-8 weeks for USPS delivery.

Available Now!World at War  #94 - Magazine

Available Now!
World at War #94 - Magazine

Kesselring’s War:
Sicily & Southern Italy, 1943–44

On 9 July 1943 two Allied armies landed on Sicily. Instead of the quick victory their high command had anticipated, that campaign and its sequel on the mainland turned into a contest of attrition in which the Germans conducted a strategically successful delay action. The German commander responsible for that turn of events was Albert Kesselring.

Other articles:
Battle of the Bismarck Sea
Checkmate on the Vistula, 1944
Operation Isabella, Spain 1942: What If?

Mailed 01/03/2024 to Subscribers. Allow 6-8 weeks for USPS delivery.

The Deal of the WeekModern War  #38 - Game Edition - $29.95 wi...

The Deal of the Week
Modern War #38 - Game Edition - $29.95
We will feature one product most weeks at a special discount, giving you the chance to save big! Visit the above link to place your order today. Limited quantities, so don't wait.

Available Now!Strategty & Tactics  #344 - Magazine

Available Now!
Strategty & Tactics #344 - Magazine

The Great Turkish War: 1683–1699
During the second half of the 17th century, the Ottoman Empire was invigorated by the leadership of the Koprulu family. The third in that line, Kara Mustapha, set the most ambitious objective of all: to impose Turkish dominance over Central Europe. He planned to begin by taking Vienna, the city the Turks called the “golden apple.” Here is our analysis of his failure.

Other feature articles including:
Joan of Arc’s Loire Campaign
The War in Nagorno-Karabakh
Command of the Seas: US Entry into World War I

Mailed 10/31/2023 to Subscribers. Allow 6-8 weeks for USPS delivery.

Available Now!Strategy & Tactics Quarterly  #24

Available Now!
Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #24

Waking Giant
The lands comprising China have been home to the world’s largest population for more than 2,000 years. That population in turn has supported an economy that also surpassed any other up to the last few centuries. It was during those centuries that the nations of Europe came to dominate the world stage. China attracted European attention, resulting in a rich trade but with substantial social and economic dislocation trailing behind. That dislocation led directly to the first two upheavals described earlier, and set the stage for the third.

Mailed 11/2/2023 to Subscribers. Allow 4-6 weeks for USPS delivery.

The Deal of the Week (Special Extra Deal)World at War  #14 - Game Edition - $29.95

The Deal of the Week (Special Extra Deal)
World at War #14 - Game Edition - $29.95
We will feature one product most weeks at a special discount, giving you the chance to save big! Visit the above link to place your order today. Limited quantities, so don't wait.

The Deal of the WeekStrategy & Tactics  #242 - Game Edition - $29.95

The Deal of the Week
Strategy & Tactics #242 - Game Edition - $29.95
We will feature one product most weeks at a special discount, giving you the chance to save big! Visit the above link to place your order today. Limited quantities, so don't wait.

Available Now!Strategty & Tactics  #344 - Magazine

Available Now!
Strategty & Tactics #344 - Magazine

The Great Turkish War: 1683–1699
During the second half of the 17th century, the Ottoman Empire was invigorated by the leadership of the Koprulu family. The third in that line, Kara Mustapha, set the most ambitious objective of all: to impose Turkish dominance over Central Europe. He planned to begin by taking Vienna, the city the Turks called the “golden apple.” Here is our analysis of his failure.

Other feature articles including:
Joan of Arc’s Loire Campaign
The War in Nagorno-Karabakh
Command of the Seas: US Entry into World War I

Mailed 10/31/2023 to Subscribers. Allow 6-8 weeks for USPS delivery.

The Deal of the WeekModern War  #25 - Game Edition - $29.95 wi...

The Deal of the Week
Modern War #25 - Game Edition - $29.95
We will feature one product most weeks at a special discount, giving you the chance to save big! Visit the above link to place your order today. Limited quantities, so don't wait.

The Deal of the WeekStrategy & Tactics  #155 - Game Edition - $29.95

The Deal of the Week
Strategy & Tactics #155 - Game Edition - $29.95
We will feature one product most weeks at a special discount, giving you the chance to save big! Visit the above link to place your order today. Limited quantities, so don't wait.

Available Now!World at War  #93 - MagazineThe Soviet Baltic Offensive14 September–24 November 1944After crushing Army Gr...

Available Now!
World at War #93 - Magazine

The Soviet Baltic Offensive
14 September–24 November 1944

After crushing Army Group Center, the Red Army cleared the north flank of the front during the late summer and fall of 1944. Along the Baltic, the Soviets regained Estonia and most of Latvia and Lithuania. Even so, German Army Group North—renamed Army Group Courland—remained a strategic thorn in the side of the Soviets until V-E Day, despite repeated Soviet attempts to eradicate it.

Other articles:
Strike on Rabaul
German Helicopter Development
Hard Luck Division: US 36th Infantry in Italy

Mailed 10/17/2023 to Subscribers. Allow 6-8 weeks for USPS delivery.

The Deal of the Week (Special Extra Deal)Strategy & Tactics  #291 - Game Edition - $29.95http://shop.strategyandtacticsp...

The Deal of the Week (Special Extra Deal)
Strategy & Tactics #291 - Game Edition - $29.95
We will feature one product most weeks at a special discount, giving you the chance to save big! Visit the above link to place your order today. Limited quantities, so don't wait.

The Deal of the WeekWorld at War  #87 - Game Edition - $29.95 ...

The Deal of the Week
World at War #87 - Game Edition - $29.95
We will feature one product most weeks at a special discount, giving you the chance to save big! Visit the above link to place your order today. Limited quantities, so don't wait.

The Deal of the WeekModern War  #48 - Game Edition - $29.95 wi...

The Deal of the Week
Modern War #48 - Game Edition - $29.95
We will feature one product most weeks at a special discount, giving you the chance to save big! Visit the above link to place your order today. Limited quantities, so don't wait.

Available Now!Strategy & Tactics  #343 - Magazine

Available Now!
Strategy & Tactics #343 - Magazine

Operation Albion & The Baltic Campaigns: 1917–18
In 1917 there were two Russian Revolutions. The first overthrew the Romanov dynasty, and the second put the Bolsheviks in power. That same year the Germans launched an offensive on land that captured Riga, and followed that up with an amphibious invasion of strategic islands in the Baltic Sea—Operation Albion.

Other articles:
The Roman Empire: From Fortified Camps to Fortified Frontiers
Task Force Faith: Unprepared, Unsupported & Abandoned
Russo-Turkish War: the Caucasus 1806–12

Mailed 09/06/2023 to Subscribers. Allow 4-6 weeks for USPS delivery.

The Deal of the WeekStrategy & Tactics  #303 - Game Edition - $29.95

The Deal of the Week
Strategy & Tactics #303 - Game Edition - $29.95
We will feature one product most weeks at a special discount, giving you the chance to save big! Visit the above link to place your order today. Limited quantities, so don't wait.


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