The Transhuman Space Bundle of Holding is available now! The Earth-Lunar collection includes seven GURPS Third Edition ebook titles: Transhuman Space Classic Powered by GURPS core rulebook; the Personnel Files book of ready-to-use characters; four location sourcebooks (Broken Dreams, Fifth Wave, High Frontier, and Under Pressure) and an introductory adventure, Singapore Sling. Best of all, it can be yours for just $17.95!
If you pay over the "level up" threshold, you'll also receive seven additional ebooks: Spacecraft of the Solar System; three more sourcebooks (Deep Beyond, In the Well, and Toxic Memes); two adventures (Orbital Decay and Polyhymnia); and Changing Times, which explains both how to explore the setting and adapt Transhuman Space Classic to the current GURPS Fourth Edition rules.
The Transhuman Space Bundle of Holding is available only through January 6th, so blast off to the link below to get yours today!
Adventurer! This all-new Transhuman Space Classic Bundle presents the 2002 standalone version of Transhuman Space, the visionary science fiction tabletop roleplaying setting from Steve Jackson Games. A complete self-contained game Powered by GURPS, the Generic Universal RolePlaying System, this Tran...