Tyre drove down a street at 8 pm after taking pictures of the sunset on a road that my husband uses to come home sometimes.
Two unmarked cars blocked him at a red light and several large men in ALL black hoodies jumped out and je**ed his door open and began screaming and cussing at him.
He was tazed, pepper sprayed, chased and jumped by these men. Two would hold both his arms behind him and instead of the third placing handcuffs, he chose to punch him repeatedly. He was thrown to the ground and 2 or more men held him down while another ran over and kicked his head like he was punting a football at least twice. He. Broke. His. Neck.
Tyre then laid on the ground screaming, “Mom”. He yelled for his Mom over and over while police surrounded him and kicked him like a piñata, used a metal baton to slap him across his back and head and took “breaks” to catch their breath before coming back to beat him more.
He. Was. Eighty 8-0 yards away from his Momma’s house (less than a football field). The house he came to everyday from work at 7 pm from working at Fed Ex with his Step daddy to eat a home cooked meal before going back to work. His comfort. His safe place.
He was sat down and propped against a car in handcuffs unable to hold his head up, blood pouring down his face. He fell over at least 4 times and NO ONE helped him. NONE of the police officers on scene. NONE of the EMTs on scene. NOBODY!! He rolled around on a cold street in gravel with a broken neck and extensive internal injuries bleeding to death on the inside while these “officials” smoked ci******es.
THEY ALL HAD BODY CAMERAS. A police sky cam was above them and they knew it. They. Still. Did. It!!!
Do better Memphis. Do better police. Do BETTER America.