Our Story
Only one newspaper can call itself the beacon for Colorado’s third-largest city: The Sentinel. For more than 100 years, the Sentinel has been telling the stories of a town that grew from a sleepy rural village into an economic, cultural and political powerhouse now home to 335,000 people. Each Thursday in print and daily online the Sentinel offers readers breaking news, features and in-depth analyses from our own backyard, next door, across the country and from around the globe. In addition, the Sentinel Home Edition is the legal newspaper in Aurora and in Adams and Arapahoe counties, providing a legal record of area governments, courts and legal filings.
As a reader and an advertiser, influence and credibility matter. The Sentinel has been banking on its position as greater Aurora’s news trusted source for generations, bringing the community news about the community, schools, business, entertainment, prep sports, health, government, people and so much more. Each week, the Sentinel reaches tens of thousands of readers who see the paper on newsstands or get home and business delivery. Thousands more get their news at SentinelColorado.com. You can, too.