On the Road with Crescentia and Bev Season One is racing to the final episode. Day 9 will be released on Thursday June 24th. There will be two more seasons, but in the mean time have you tried our contest?
Watch this video and note the days and numbers of the clips. Figure out where we are for each clip and write your answers on the official answer sheet at SouthCreekMedia.com for just $5.00 per entry.
We have given you hints throughout the series (feel free to watch again to find the clues). Figure out the Street Number, Street/Highway, City, State, and if at all possible the GPS coordinates for each clip! Watch our "About the Contest" video for examples. You could win up to $500.00!!!
See you on the road!
THIS IS THE VIDEO FOR THE CONTEST! Use your Geolocation skills.Enter the contest to win up to $500.00 by completing your official answer form with the follow...