Checkout this top-water action. #fishing #kayakfishing
Turn up the bass! #fishingislife #aintnothang
Hunter Stereotypes
Only slight exaggerations here ...
When the fishing is good ...
... and the pattern doesn't matter.
Fishing Like a Boss
Fishing Like a Boss.
It appears that while one guy chums the water, the "anglers" use barbless hooks with a bit of feather on them, like a fly, catching one after another!
No big deal. Just hanging with some fish.
Mouse Gets Stuck in an Outlet
This isn't your typical mouse trap situation.
#Repost @hunting_the_wild
We all know turkeys respond to different calls on different days. With this @JT_calls call you get glass on top and slate on bottom. Both sides are functional! If they don't like the glass, flip it over! Now you have a slate call!! #jtcalls
Turkey Fight Caught on Camera!
Amazing video of two gobblers duking it out in Westmoreland, VA!
Bears Play with a Pink Balloon
... and you thought bright blue barrels brought them in!
Guy has a near miss experience as a tarpon jumps over his kayak. #fishing