The Power of Prosecutors - “In the classroom, out of the courtroom.”
We will be talking to the District Attorney of Augusta, GA Jared Williams. He will be sharing with us how second chances are in their favor, and how they want all to succeed.
#secondchances #reentrymatters #SecondChanceMonth #jesusisthekeytoreentry #prisonministry #PrisonReform #prisonoutreach #compassionateadvocate #augustaga #richmondcountyga
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Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: This is what I use
Why do you believe in Second Chances?
Join Elder Patrick Wilson as he shares why he believes in second chances and what he is doing.
Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: This is what I use
Formerly Incarcerated Criminal Justice Reform Advocate
Join us as David shares His story and tells us why 2nd Chances are important to him.
Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: This is what I use
From Lawbreaker to Lawmaker
Join the Former Mayor of Kansas as he shares his second chance story and why He believes in second chances.
Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: This is what I use
How jury investigator offers 2nd Chances
Jury Investigations, investigate juries, to ensure the accused receives a fair trial. To learn more about who they are, why this mission matters to them, and how they help others have a second chance to be free again,
Why do you believe in second chances?
Here this remarkable lady's story of 2nd Chances.
#aprilissecondchancemonth #secondchances #secondchancemonth #prisonfellowship #prisonministry #jesusisthekeytoreentry
Michelle's mess became a message.
Learn how Michelle's life was changed and what she is doing now for the Kingdom
Where is my money?
Do you want to know where your money is located? Join us as we talk to a Best-Selling Author and Financial Coach, and she will help you locate your money and keep it.
#financialfreedom #wealth #money #finance #jesusisthekeytoreentry #secondchances #financialcoach #shereenreeves
From Tragedy to Triumph
Aaron Onelove Kinzer didn't let his 13-year federal sentence defeat him. Discover how his situation turned around and how yours can too. #jesusisthekeytoreentry #prisonministry #secondchances #reentrymatters #reentry
She bounced back after Incarceration
Learn how incarceration doesn't have to keep you stuck and how one lady bounces back. Prophetess Latanicia Rogers will share, encourage, and offer hope to ANYONE seeking freedom in every area of their lives.