"There is life after domestic violence"
I moved on with my life taking one day at a time with a lot of help from GOD and a very special person he placed in my life. As time passed I slowly started to fall so deeply in love with myself. Today, I must say that I am truly happy with my life and the direction in which it is moving. I am no longer afraid to share my story with the world. I am not a vi
ctim, I am a survivor!! I will use my story as a platform to help others. If I can make a difference in just one persons life, it will confirm that there was definitely a divine purpose for my pain. Who is Yuna? I was born Keyuna Faye Webster. I got the name Yuna from my abuser, he called me that for short. I really liked it because when I was young I hated my first name, so I went by Faye for the majority if not all of my adolescent life. I started using Keyuna once I reached adulthood, but most of my childhood friends still call me Faye they just can not seem to call me anything else. I remember saying to myself, why haven't I ever thought to drop the Ke on my name? So, I decided to keep the name he had given me and not only that I also, decided to love the woman he had taken for granted. Ms. Yuna it was for me and I absolutely love her so, from that LoveYuna Outreach was created. I have always loved the word love and everything about it. LoveYuna is not just apart of my name it is my brand. Word of Advice:
If you know someone that is a victim of domestic violence, please be supportive of them. Do not judge them, do not make them feel like it is their fault. Most of all believe them if they decide to open up to you. Trust me they are fighting a battle you know nothing about if you have never experienced domestic violence and even so some people are not as strong as others. Please choose your words carefully and never think that just because a person(s) is your family member and/or good friend that they are not capable of hitting a woman and/or man. Domestic Violence is real. Step up, Speak out, and Reach out. My Inspirations:
Ms. Kelendria Trene Rowland
Ms. Kimberly Michelle Pate