30_It’s true - once you go Amish, you can’t go back lol I have never witnessed such cleanliness from
29_Did you know you can get a free high tunnel for your farm I didn’t until this week! I am learning
28_#stitch with DEZI it’s easier to buy land in this country than they have told us! I just did it!
27_Taking you along with me while I buy American farmland with no prior experience Remember this is m
26_Your body wasnt made to sit in the same box and do the same thing over and over again 8-hours per
25_Watching this was art in motion! How quickly, precisely, and directly they got it done No excuses,
24_I was wrong! You can get loans for land purchases in this country There are a lot of options, many
23_Is every real estate transaction the same Definitely not Buying land in NY was way different than
22_ #stitch with TiffanyCianci we have to start discussing what the new American Dream looks like so
21_ #stitch with jigglyjulia here’s why people feel so devastatingly exhausted by their corporate job
20_Need 350 feet of road done in one day Call the Amish! The farm is coming together Can’t believe it
19_I have an online business I can rebuild, and I will I have savings I am so lucky So so many people