Hey Everyone Happy Memorial Day weekend! #LifeandMarriageWithAlvinandMarcy #reelstrendingnow #MemorialDay #memorialdayweekend
Episode 5: Does Our Marriage Look Like Our Parents Marriage?
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We are excited about our first short and intro to the 5th episode of Life and Marriage with Alvin & Marcy. STAY TUNED!
Episode 4 is here. THE FIRST 60! Are we talking about the first 60 days in jail? No! We are discussing the 1st 60 Months or the first 5 years of Marriage!
We are back, and in this episode, we discuss some things that may help your blended family be a success. We read some comments from our supporters and got personal about what we saw in the families around us growing up.
!!!!TRIGGER WARNING!!! In this episode, we dive into some of the challenges we faced a few months after we became EXCLUSIVE.
Ep 1 Love At First Sight
When we said soon we meant VERY SOON! Episode 1 is here!! Title : Love at First Sight.
This is the story of how we met and a little bit about some of the issues we faced as newlyweds.
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