The show airs every Friday evening on WREK Atlanta 91.1 FM from midnight until around 6 a.m. It streams live on the web and a one-week streaming & downloadable archive is always available at WREKage has been serving Atlanta's metal community since 1984 (known as "Night Reign" until the name changed to WREKage in 1985) on WREK. WREK-FM is the "student owned and
operated voice of Georgia Tech," the Institute's radio station, and at 40,000 watts it's one of the most powerful college radio stations in the US. Not surprisingly, considering the school's technical credentials, it was the first radio station in the world to stream live audio over the Internet using software written by Tech alumnus and then WREKage host, John Selbie. The software was first used in October 1994 during a WREKage broadcast, making WREKage the first radio show to stream over the Internet. The show has gone from being a one-hour show to up to 10 hours (10pm until 8am ... Creative Loafing even wrote about how cool it was to be able to pass out listening to metal on Friday night and still wake up to it the next morning). During its heyday in the late 80s and early 90s, the show actually drew more listeners during its weekly time-slot than Atlanta's then #1 commercial rock station 96Rock. According to the Birch surveys, WREKage drew about 8,000 listeners at its' peak. The music programming of WREKage has had a varied past but usually rides on the cutting edge of the metal genre. WREKage's current programming is probably the most diverse that it's ever been.