Love and betrayal collide when Lena, a dedicated cop, finds herself ensnared in a dangerous web of crime and passion. Living with her girlfriend Nini, Lena’s life takes a shocking turn when she crosses paths with Jabari, a charismatic man hiding his true nature as a robber. Keisha, Jabari’s partner in crime, initially views Lena as a rival but soon accepts her as a friend. Everything unravels the day Lena, unaware of Jabari’s criminal life, responds to a robbery and discovers his true identity, pulling off his mask in a moment that leaves her reeling.
When Nini uncovers the truth, she reports Lena’s involvement to the National Security Bureau (NSB), sparking a brutal investigation that places Lena in a perilous position. Despite the mounting pressure, Lena refuses to betray Jabari, even as the consequences of her loyalty escalate. As chaos unfolds, Lena grapples with her conflicting feelings—torn between her love for Jabari and her duty as a cop. The powers that be eventually find a treacherous way to eliminate Jabari, leaving Lena thirsting for revenge. Uncertain whether vengeance will bring sweet satisfaction or a bitter aftermath, she embarks on a path fraught with danger. With tensions mounting and stakes rising, will she cling to a heart of stone, or will forgiveness become the currency she’s willing to spend?
Find out in this gripping tale, "Finger on The Trigger."