40_Her life is only a whisper… easy to forget but worth remembering #midlandmichigan #history #cemetery #headstone #whit
37_Olive Ann Royal, Mother #headstonecleaning #restore #royal #midlandmi #midlandmichigan #gladwin #edenville #d2biologi
30_Replying to currently_active #death #cemetery #permission #really
29_What is that headstone in the back!#greenscreen #sanfordmi #jerometownship #work #restoration #headstone #tootsieroll
22_90 days after initial cleaning! Easy peasy! #headstonecleaner #history #restore #clean #savinghistory #pastpreservati
21_Replying to willkraken Maria’s epitaph #epitaph #gravetok #cemetery #history #maine #cool #savinghistory #michigan
19_The restoration process explained! #no #dowels #pins #headstone #restoration #cleaning #white #marble #repair #1870 #
18_Start to finish repair of Ottie Garber’s headstone #headstone #marble #concretelife #restore #1800s #clean #cemetery
8_Incredible headstone recovery and repair! #cemetery #DAR #gravetok #midlandmichigan #midlandcitycemetery #cityofmidlan
13_Update on Duncan McGillis #cemetery #restoration #1870s #1800s #marble #gravestone #headstonerecovery #headstoneclean
12_Ottie E Garber, 1 year old taken too soon from this earth #childdeath #1870s #history #headstonecleaner #clean #resto
10_Another lost story, reconnected #history #cemetery #RIP #michigan #gravetok #findagrave #lost #reconnected
6_I found this missing veteran headstone! #midlandmichigan #ohio #civilwar #history #midlandmichigan #veteran #lostandfo
2_Disease tragically strikes down young women #gravetok #michigan #cemetery #midlandmichigan #maine #cool #history #savi
1_Captain David Bartlett, gone unexpectedly #shipmaster #brooklynNY #newyork #apoplexy #widow #captain