Ancient Creation Myths

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Jesus: From Palestine to Ancient India & Back Again Written by Alberta ParishHell Is Full of False Prophets & Cult Leade...

Jesus: From Palestine to Ancient India & Back Again

Written by Alberta Parish

Hell Is Full of False Prophets & Cult Leaders

As a Christian, I have studied the history of Christianity. I also know that Hinduism preceded Judaism and modern-day Christianity. Islam is an offspring of Christianity, and the Qur'an is a borrowed version of the Septuagint, the Greek New Testament, and the Hebrew translations of the Old Testament, which include the Torah/Tanakh. In the book called The Lost Years of Jesus, Elizabeth Clare Prophet wrote that Brahman priests kept records about Saint Issa also known as Jesus/Yeshua whom they wrote two thousand years ago had traveled from Jerusalem to the Orient (India). Prophet said that in 1887, a Russian journalist named Nicolas Notovitch discovered ancient scrolls documenting the life of Saint Issa at the Himis monastery in Ladakh. These records talk about the missing years of Jesus between the age of 13 and 29, and those years Jesus spent in India is where he also studied with the Brahman priests who taught him to read and understand the Vedas, (which are ancient Hindu religious texts), and to teach, heal, and perform exorcisms. Prophet wrote that Jesus was also part of a group called the Sudras, which were those of the lower caste who was preaching against the Brahmans. According to Prophet, Yeshua was sent by the Essene scholarship body in Israel to study under the Noble Brahmans of the Indian subcontinent. Based on the ancient records of the Brahman priests, discovered by Nicolas Notovitch in 1887 at the Himis monastery and other eyewitness accounts of Jesus' pilgrimage from Jerusalem to India, Jesus spent 17 years in the Indus Valley, as both student and teacher. This is why the synoptic gospels and the Gospel of John doesn't record his life beyond the age of 12 because he allegedly departed for India at age 13. He returns to Palestine around age 29 when it is then recorded in Matthew that his cousin John baptized him in the River Jordan.

In 1890, Russian traveler, Nicolas Notovitch, published his translation of the Buddhist legend in his book, The Unknown Life of Jesus. Records of Jesus' missing years also exist in Tibet amongst the lamas.

As a Christian, a non-Christian should not know more than you about the history of Christianity including that of Universal Catholicism and Protestantism.

It is incumbent upon every believer in Christ to be able to give an answer to the skeptic and nonbeliever. Many souls have been turned into Hell because of false teachers, false prophets, and cult leaders. Christians are purposely being led astray by not only wolves in sheep's clothing but by cult leaders teaching heresies, and denying the physical existence and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Peter says, "Save yourselves from this untoward generation."

The Spirit of Antichrist

In this modern technological era, many who think themselves wise must become fools. The spirit of antichrist—already on the land—walks among the skeptic and nonbeliever. The Bible says that there are many antichrists on the land, and who is an antichrist? One who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh; one who deny both the Father and the Son.

In the seventeen missing years of Jesus from the canonical New Testament, the young man is alleged to have passed his time in the Indus Valley and the Himalayas, as both student and teacher, while also spreading the Word of His Father. Then, upon returning to Palestine around age 29, he began his ministry. He healed the sick, cleansed the lepers, performed many miracles, and raised the dead. But Pilate seeing him as a seditionist and a possible insurrectionist who could overthrow Rome's government in Palestine, he sought to destroy him. Christ was crucified and, according to Prophet's The 'Lost Years' of Jesus, he was raised from the dead, and was seen in Palestine by many.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto his servant John who bare record of the Word of God, and of all things he saw, was stranded on the Isle of Patmos for the Word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ, and penned the letters to the seven churches in Asia. John wrote to the leaders of the seven churches, revealing all that he had seen and was unveiled to him concerning the churches.

According to John, there will also be a man—the beast—who would come into the world in the latter days, and take the place of the true Christ, and demand the whole world worship him and receive his "mark" in their right hand or in their foreheads, and that no man/woman would be able to buy or sell unless he/she had the mark of the beast, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name in their right hands or in their foreheads (Revelation 13:4-18).

Since many Watchers have already deduced that the Antichrist is already in the world, there could only be one prophetic revealing left and, that is, the Antichrist making a Seven-Year Peace Covenant in the Middle East, with the State of Israel, according to the Book of the Prophet Daniel. Daniel Chapter 9 and Verse 27 (NASB) says that "he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate."

Jesus' End Times prophecies (from St. Matthew) also deduces that the Abomination of Desolation will stand in the holy place, which will mark a time of great tribulation.

Listening to the haters of God and his people won't make these prophetic sayings any less important or any less real. It is time to open your eyes, and start thinking for yourself and look around at what's happening before your very eyes, so you can save yourselves from hell fire and stop listening to religious skeptics and antichrists that permeate the earth, as they offer you nothing except death, destruction, and hell.

The End

Written by Alberta ParishFor two years, this woman's daughter was s*xually molested and so****zed by another female clas...

Written by Alberta Parish

For two years, this woman's daughter was s*xually molested and so****zed by another female classmate in the same elementary school. The student's name is Celeste who was victimized by a female student up until the day Celeste became physically ill following an assault. One day, Celeste's female molestor assaulted her in the girls' bathroom. It was following this assault when Celeste became ill and threw up in the bathroom. When Celeste returned to her class, the teacher asked her what was wrong, and said, "You don't seem like yourself." This is when Celeste told the teacher everything that the female student had done to her. For two straight years, Celeste had been s*xually assaulted by the student. The reason that Celeste gave for not telling anyone including her mother is the student had threatened to kill her mother. The s*xual predator student was never charged with a crime. Celeste's mother, when asked what charges she would like to have seen brought against the female student who assaulted her child, she said that she would have asked for the student to be put under court ordered psychiatric care, so that she can be given the therapy and the tools that she would need in order for her to address whatever it was that happened to her as well as for her to be able to heal and know that she couldn't do this to another child. She said, "I don't want this little girl locked up."

Although what happened to Celeste who was seven years old at the time she was s*xually assaulted by an eight-year-old female student is not a common occurrence, it is a common occurrence, however, for s*xual assaults to take place against children by adults whether in an educational facility, a daycare center, a church, or in the home. As a survivor of childhood molestation by two adults, I am convinced that there are many s*xual predators, pedophiles, child rapists, child s*x traffickers, and child murderers that deserve death. I am not empathic toward those who have not only psychopathic tendencies but also sociopathic tendencies to r**e children, sell children for s*x, and murder children. Because I see a world filled with child predators and child s*x traffickers, I don't view these individuals as capable of rehabilitation. All child rapists, pedophiles, child murderers, and child s*x traffickers deserve extinction from this planet. Or at least put them all on spacecrafts and take them to a space station built like a maximum security prison. There, they can spend the rest of their pathetic lives looking at the Planet Earth from space.

The eight-year-old female student who molested and so****zed a fellow female student for two straight years is either a psychopath, or she has been the victim of s*xual assault, r**e, molestation, and/or s*xual abuse. It is very clear that this girl need to be put under court ordered psychiatric care to determine not only her mental health but to make a decision on whether or not she has been the victim of s*xual asault, r**e or abuse. This is one of those cases that need to be carefully analyzed for any signs of childhood abuse as it relates to Celeste's molestor. Unfortunately, Celeste was small in stature, which made it easy for her molestor to do what she did since the molestor was taller and bigger than she.

In a world of sociopaths and psychopaths, s*xual predators, usually male predators, see young girls and women as easy prey. There is a process used by all child predators called grooming. The first step in the grooming process is selecting the victim. The grooming process also includes the following:

"Abusers will attempt to physically or emotionally separate a victim from those protecting them and often seek out positions in which they have contact with minors. Abusers attempt to gain trust of a potential victim through gifts, attention, sharing “secrets” and other means to make them feel that that they have a caring relationship and to train them to keep the relationship secret. Abusers will often start to touch a victim in ways that appear harmless, such as hugging, wrestling and tickling, and later escalate to increasingly more s*xual contact, such as massages or showering together. Abusers may also show the victim po*******hy or discuss s*xual topics with them, to introduce the idea of s*xual contact. Attempt by abusers to make their behavior seem natural, to avoid raising suspicions. For teens, who may be closer in age to the abuser, it can be particularly hard to recognize tactics used in grooming. Be alert for signs that your teen has a relationship with an adult that includes secrecy, undue influence or control, or pushes personal boundaries" (RAINN; July 10, 2020).

S*xual predators usually seek out women with children and teenagers to gain easy access to a potential victim. A true s*xual predator will do anything he can to make you think you're the woman he wants to be with, but his true intention was always to groom your child or teenager for the purpose of s*xual contact. S*xual predators of children and underaged girls/boys are very calculating, cold, manipulative, deceptive, and cunning. in addition, they are pathological liars. Sociopaths that prey on children, so****ze and r**e underaged girls/boys usually have a lack of empathy for the victims, which is why most child s*x traffickers, child rapists, and baby rapists show little to no empathy when finally faced with the consequences of their actions before a court of law.

This is a very sad story. Both Celeste and her mother is receiving therapy. In early 2020, Celeste told her teacher about the molestation by a female student. Shortly after, the COVID-19 pandemic forced all public schools to shut down. Hampton, Virginia school officials tried to use the pandemic to sweep these events under the rug. However, Celeste's mother has been diligent in the fight to get justice for her daughter even though the student who molested Celeste has never been charged with a crime.

Work Cited

S*xual Assault. Grooming: Know the Warning Signs. 10 Jul 2020. Web. 29 Jul 2021. RAINN.

Retrieved from

A caller came on Angel's livestream with a self-righteous attitude, accusing me of ambushing Angelsnupnup7 in my livestr...

A caller came on Angel's livestream with a self-righteous attitude, accusing me of ambushing Angelsnupnup7 in my livestream in which Karen and I addressed certain statements he made on his channel. Upon hearing Angel's statements which Karen perceived were about her, she became upset.

After I listened to Angel's video, I texted him and told him exactly what I thought about his statements. We traded text messages back and forth. Then, I sent him an e-mail for the link to my Streamyard event titled, "LIBERATION FOR BLACK WOMEN WON'T EXIST Under Black Supremacy OR Black Nationalism!" In the beginning of my video, I explained how although it was my intent to talk about this topic of liberation being non-existent for black women under a system of black supremacy/black nationalism, I said that something happened, which need to be addressed. I said that I won't be discussing the topic that I'd planned to talk about.

Not only did the caller attempt to talk over me and loud talk me but she accused me of downplaying child s*xual trauma & abuse as well as my own childhood molestation. She said to me, "Your supposed s*xual trauma because I don't really believe that." The caller also said that I am not qualified to speak. She's a bully who tried to humiliate me on Angel's platform. The caller also tried to control the conversation by loud talking me, talking over me, and trying to outtalk me. Her arrogant tone was an immediate turnoff. It was not the caller's intent to have a conversation with me, as she attempted to not only change the narrative, but also embarrass me in front of Angel's audience. Her intent for calling in was to publicly humiliate and belittle me by telling me that I'm not qualified to speak, and also chastise me for whatever perceived transgression I've committed, according to her.

What I realize about this caller is today was her perfect opportunity to come for me. She'd been listening to me due to my being affiliated with Reality's Temple On Earth and Angelsnupnup7. It would not surprise me if she's had private phone calls about me with Angel, trashing my name.

Right out the gate, the caller accused me of ambushing Angelsnupnup7 on my livestream although she was not privy to what was going on behind the scenes with the back and forth text messaging between Angel and I in which I addressed his comments. Angel never attempted to clear up any misconceptions or false allegations made by the caller that I ambushed him. And I feel like this was an ambush to bring her on the livestream as payback for my livestream. Prior to today's livestream with Angelsnupnup, I'd never had a conversation with the caller. Earlier this year, I remember her and another lady named Deity had traded words back and forth on a livestream hosted by Angel. Even though I was on the speakerphone during the altercation between Tasha and Deity, I listened to Tasha cut Deity down to size. Tasha eventually left the livestream, and I decided to just listen to Deity's and Angel's conversation.

The caller also accused Karen and me of making s*xual advances on Angelsnupnup7. When has Angel ever known me to make s*xual advances on him? If Angel told this woman that I and Karen made s*xual advances on him, then he is lying. The caller implied that I am a hoe like Cynthia G and Karen, and said that because Cynthia G got pregnant with Robert Perkin's baby, she is no longer qualified to speak. The caller not only attacked my character, implying that I have made s*xual advances on Angelsnupnup, but she also stated that I have used my s*xuality to control Angelsnupnup. She said that women use their s*xuality all the time to control men. Her animosity toward me is a deep-seated animosity, which didn't just come about as a result of my livestream on Tuesday night. The caller has been watching me because of my affiliation with Angel's platforms, and there's been conversations had about me behind my back.

All I heard was rage in the caller's voice as well as a strong desire to antagonize me and chastise me for not only my views on Tuesday night's livestream but other views that I've made on prior livestreams.

Angel does not like the fact that I wrote this blog putting his new female friend on blast for her verbal attacks, and false allegations that I and Karen made s*xual advances on him. Not only did he try and shame me for writing publicly about this caller, but he said my blogs make me look crazy. He proceeded to chastise me due to the blogs I'm constantly posting, which he clearly doesn't like, and also for writing my upcoming book, "Humanity Is On Trial: Reclaiming Faith In the Historical Yeshua Also Called Jesus."

It is clear that Tasha has been gunning for me. She was finally given her chance to speak to me in an attempt to publicly shame me, and it was payback for Tuesday night's livestream. This was vengeance against me for my views on black men, and vengeance for the blogs I've been posting.

The End

Check out my latest blog entitled SISTER NOBLE WON'T BE OFFERING ANY SOLUTIONS! BP Need To Go Into Extinction!  blackpol...

Check out my latest blog entitled SISTER NOBLE WON'T BE OFFERING ANY SOLUTIONS! BP Need To Go Into Extinction!


*** NEW POST *** By His Divine Masculine & SOUL Brother # 1 AdMinister Taalik Ibn’rad Send Reality’s Temple On Earth A Gift Or Donate @


On June 7, 2021, Sa Neter admitted on his livestream to illegally recording private phone conversations WITHOUT Sister Noble's knowledge. He claims to have r...

In the thumbnail picture, the left side photo from 2013 of Alexyss shows swollen glands in her neck from the damage caus...

In the thumbnail picture, the left side photo from 2013 of Alexyss shows swollen glands in her neck from the damage caused by how a black man from the pro-black un-CONSCIOUSNESS community in Atlanta had poisoned her through an herb that Queen Afua had recommended.

Cash App @ $Alberta41

In the thumbnail picture, the left side photo from 2009 of Alexyss shows swollen glands in her neck from the damage caused by how a black man from the pro-bl...


Donate to my Cash App @ $Alberta41.


The very fact that Shadah went out of her way to record a phone conversation between us tells me a lot abut not only her pathology but Sa Neter's (only if he...




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May 3, 2021 Written by Alberta Parish To the Black Consciousness Community: Based on recent events, I want nothing more to do with the b...


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This sista reclaimed her time and energy from the trucking company that had her physically strained and stressed out whi...

This sista reclaimed her time and energy from the trucking company that had her physically strained and stressed out while keeping her separated from her kids. Like most companies, trucking companies are taking advantage of their drivers, wasting these drivers' time. These companies don't mind making a slave out of you. They'll steal 50 and more years of your life if you allow them. These companies use and abuse drivers for the sake of a dollar. You need to take back your time and energy! Stop giving these people at these jobs all your time, energy, and physical labor while they keep most of the wealth and not want to share that wealth with the masses. The only thing these companies seem to be good at is taking advantage of black people in this country. They've leeched off black people for well over 500 hundred years! I've been twenty-eight years a slave, and still don't have anything to show for it. My mom died a Christian slave at age 76. She stopped working when she was 68 years old. I told her to come off the job.

Although we struggled financially for a while, things got better. In 2015, I attended Atlanta Technical College and earned a paralegal degree two years later. I was hired as a paralegal at a black-owned law firm in January 2017 but I started my internship with this law firm in November 2016. I lost my paralegal job on June 30, 2017. My mother died in October 2017. I don't give two fvcks about a degree at this point in my life. None of this s**t really matters when you're not free. We're not liberated. These companies take advantage of us with impunity. I'm glad this sista took a break from trucking. She took a break from trucking slavery.

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Tags : Angelsnupnup7,REAL TRUTH, Taalik Ibn'rad, Realism, Realist, Realitys Temple On Earth,TheBlackDragonX1,Africanized Fantasy, Racist Pink Caucasians, Dark Europeans, Black Revolution, Slavery, African-Americans, Black Power, Black Conscious Movement, Psychiatric Abuse, Government Corruption, Micah Xavier Johnson, Gavin Long, Mississippi Campaign, Operation:EXODUS-Mississippi, Myron (SNIFFY) Johnson

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*** NEW POST***By His Divine Masculine & SOUL Brother # 1 AdMinister Taalik Ibn’rad The Angelsnupnup7 Hospital/Medical Bills Fund Raiser / Operation:EXODUS...


*** NEW POST***By His Divine Masculine & SOUL Brother # 1 AdMinister Taalik Ibn’rad The Angelsnupnup7 Hospital/Medical Bills Fund Raiser Send Reality’s Te...


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Atlanta, GA


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