We're eager to collaborate with new makers of TV shows, short films, music videos, stage plays, and animated movies. We're assembling a team that will propel Get Bec Network to the top, so we're also searching for people with unique skills who can produce and promote the content. We're looking for movie writers. We're looking for people with experience promoting on Roku, Facebook, Instagram, tikto
k, and other platforms. When we're ready to take on those projects, Get B e c Network is looking for app developers with in the Roku platform. All content that tells a story and is of a high standard is welcome, and we especially welcome college students and people who are skilled at producing, directing, and using social media to spread the word. We also welcome all content creators to showcase their skills on our page, and we're looking to partner with other Facebook movie channels pages even though the Roku Vimeo
We also need someone who can create private, invite-only groups on Instagram, Tiktok, and other platforms so that when we allow people to join these groups on those platforms, they understand that once their project is shared in the group, everyone will share comments, like, and support even on this page, where the only requirement is that people act as one. We are also looking for podcasters who are willing to share what's happening with TV entertainment. We are also looking for people who know how to edit to music videos to distributed tiktok, so we can support the music videos that will be placed on our channel by some of the artists. Additionally, we welcome TV editor mov. The only requirement is for people to make a conscious effort and support all creators that are allowed in our circle on all platforms. We will help and support each other's content and social medias, and we will build each other's social media likes. Of course, the only type of entertainment we will permit is entertainment, and we won't allow any s*x videos, but we will allow everything else. We are looking for an army of individuals that can assist in advancing us all in the same direction.