Another handy video for operating the lift gate the next time you rent One Ton Blue.
#pce #goodgearforgoodpeople #griptruck #gafilm #atlanta
Nigel Rowe
We’d like to take a moment to shoutout Nigel Rowe for his dedication to being the best motion control operator! We love you Nigel and the entire film community does as well. #boltx #pce #goodgearforgoodpeople #gafilm #atlanta #motioncontrol
One Ton Grey Lift Gate Instructions
A handy video for operating the lift gate the next time you rent our one ton grey van. #pce #goodgearforgoodpeople #gafilm #griptruck #atlanta
The last Happy Hour of the year at PC&E is upon us. Spread the word and join your friends Friday 12/13 from 5pm -8pm at Atlanta’s One Stop Shop!
#pce #goodgearforgoodpeople #camera #lighting #griptruck #stages #expendables #gafilm #atlanta
Dolly Test
Sometimes when we’re testing/maintaining our dollies, we take the opportunity to film it. It’s just a day at work for us, but we’d thought it might be interesting for you all to see. #supportrentalhouses
#pce #goodgearforgoodpeople #gafilm #camera #fisher #chapman #atl
Earlier this year we had a USPS spot shoot on Stage One with our Cyc painted chroma green. We were lucky enough to have a BTS glimpse into the making of this commercial. Reach out to our stage manager, to get a quote for one of our three stages to be painted chroma green or chroma blue. #supportrentalhouses
#pce #goodgearforgoodpeople #gafilm #soundstages #atlanta #camera #rosco
Our Bolt X took a small trip to Florida to shoot a promotional commercial for #avatarthelastairbender with @serenawilliams
Reach out to our camera department to get this incredible motion control arm on your next set. #supportrentalhouses
#pce #goodgearforgoodpeople #gafilm #altanta #mcmr #netflix #commercial #camera
PC&E GlamBot
After our Bolt eXpo we took the opportunity to turn the Bolt X into our own GlamBot. Thank you everyone who has supported PC&E the last 40 years. We look forward to the future and what it will bring us. #supportrentalhouses
#pce #goodgearforgoodpeople #lighting #grip #camera #soundstages #expendables #gafilm #atlanta #commercial
We are very excited to reveal our brand new one ton grip van, One Ton Grey. This vehicle comes with the standard one ton grip and electric package for a competitive price, giving you bang for your buck. This van is available today! Reach out to our lighting and grip agents to put One Ton Grey on hold and check out our website for rates and all the equipment we offer.
#pce #goodgearforgoodpeople #gafilm #commercial #soundstages #lighting #grip #atlanta #oneton
We will be closing today at 4:00pm for the Christmas Holiday and will reopen at 9:00am on Wednesday December 27th. We hope everyone has a most joyous and safe Holiday!