55.Dont tighten janky ass cups while your reclined on your sofa. #f**kthiscup#spiderman#toddlermom#momlife#imdonehere#funnyvideos #notfunnydidntlaugh #whatthef**k#sippycups
57.Replying to Ron f**k it im just gonna start embarrassing her back- maybe ill trip her in public idk. #fyp#momfail#blackmail#cactustate#777#toddlersoftiktok #tampon#girlproblems #MomsofTik
53.dv is no joke- theres no punchline you just punch your wife. #fyp#cactustate#777#999#mattrife#hatebandwagon #toddlermom#comedy
54.I know that was a power play. #fyp#toddlermom#storytime#toddlersoftiktok#cactustate #MomsofTikTok #funnyvideos #777 #999#momlife#momhack#outsmarted
55.Dont tighten janky ass cups while your reclined on your sofa. #f**kthiscup#spiderman#toddlermom#momlife#imdonehere#funnyvideos #notfunnydidntlaugh #whatthef**k#sippycups
56.I love that tou love me and i love you too. From a distance #fyp#momlife#wifelife#marriedlife #toddlermom#toddlersoftiktok #cactustate#777#funnyvideos #touchedout
57.Replying to Ron f**k it im just gonna start embarrassing her back- maybe ill trip her in public idk. #fyp#momfail#blackmail#cactustate#777#toddlersoftiktok #tampon#girlproblems #MomsofTik
47.Hi welcome to chilis #fyp#funnyvideos #datenight #momlife#toddlermom#marriedlife#nightout#777#cactustate
48.judge me all you want but ima walk my kid #fyp#zoo#childleash#funnyvideos#cactustate#777#toddlermom#putyourkidonaleash #safety#harambe
50.Shes my worst enemy and my greatest creation #fyp#funnyvideos#relatable #parentingtips#comedy#toddlersaresavages #cactustate#777#momlife#sendhelp#wingit#parentsarecool
51.I know my lips are chapped okay. I ran so fast the moisturizer just flew off me #fyp#prankwars #funnyvideos #marriedlife#donttrythisathome #marriage
52.Go support Shavon Phelps Ignore my dirty hair im STRUGGLING #FYP#threenager #toddlermom#toddlerlife#phase#toddlersaresavages #MomsofTikTok#momlife#babyclavicle #cactustate#777