On the training here's what we're going to cover.
1. The 2 step process to start selling online without buying any inventory and get your first sale in the next 7 days
2. How to sell products over $500 with no ads by just listing them on Google.
3. How to hire people that will run your entire store for you so everything is on autopilot.
Lets Goooooo! You don't want to miss this! This Sunday at 7pm est sharp only first 100 people to join will be allowed in the zoom room.
Sign up below now.
I stopped doing live trainings in 2019, This Sunday Im making a grand comeback. Since 2019 my trainings have created several Ecom Millionaires like Res Nda, Alex Hampton to name a few.
This Sunday the OG of online stores is coming back to show you how it's really done.
This training will be two hours long and I'm brining out all the strategies I've been using since 2017 to make a living selling online.
Sign up below now.
If you're serious about building an online store you need to clear your schedule this Sunday and work with me live on Zoom and show you how its done.
Stopped watching 60 second Instagram videos confusing you on how to really build an online store.
Come work with live for 2 hours, a person that has spent millions selling and advertising products online.
If you want a life of freedom and kiss your 9 to 5 good bye, I promise you attending this live will be the beset decision you ever made.