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"At any point in the aging process, there's a choice. You have a choice as to how you're going to process the information that you're getting ... it's a gift that if we're lucky, we make it all the way up to menopause."
The truth is that aging scares me, Monica, for a host of cultural and personal reasons. I think of getting older as a kind of slow, nagging grief. What I've been told over and over is that aging means that you lose your beauty and vibrance. If you're a woman, it means you become invisible and irrelevant. And menopause makes you sweaty and crazy.
Gloria Steinem once described the period after 52 as “falling off a cliff because I couldn’t see enough people ahead of me.”
This is what draws us to make The Body Is Not a Thing, a documentary about menopause. We want to expand the narrative around women and aging. So far we've met some incredible women, like Lana Garland, who reminds us that aging is a gift and that we have a choice in how we meet that phase of life. Check out her work curating Hayti Heritage Film Festival (and stay tuned for more gems from her).
If you or anyone you know would like to share your experience with us, reach out. If you want to donate to this project, click here: https://www.madebyxerophile.com/menopause