Well hello kiddos...your Uncle Mark back again, missed out on fantastic Friday, because I was having so much fun, but I'm here for thought-filled Tuesday... As I troll through the many post from friends and family, groups, and artists, on my page. I come across one, that's specially, for me hits home, about relationships. whether it's a friendship, a romance, a tryst, an affair, or a one night stand. in order for cohesion, candor, and any length of time, for a relationship to blossom, flourish, and exist. Uncle Mark has three rules #1. communication, communication, communication, if you're not talkin something's wrong. #2 trust in all things. no secrets, no lies. #3 you both should commit 100% to each other and the relationship otherwise, hesitation will bring about weakness and cause the chain to snap + optional #4 great s*x. but I mean that comes with any good relationship. it's not about that kids its should never just be about s*x... that's a one night stand, that's a tryst, that's an affair, stay away from those as much as you can... unless they become something more. because, I know... the only thing we have to go off of is looks, before we talk, ...but then intelligent conversation, shared experiences, commonalities, hobbies, friends, family, love... and the greatest of these is love. because when you love someone kids... when is enough enough, a great man once told me... never... Well kids I hope you find your never ... until then I guess we'll keep traveling to that second star on the right and on till morning... Life, Love, and Happiness.... Mike Bravo out...