Less comfort More courage#AloBoutBalances2431 January Line upDay 1 Seated balance poseDay 2 Balance pose on your tiptoesDay 3 Balance pose on your armsDay 4 Balance pose on a pr_R
Jumping in for day 5 of #aloselfdiscovery with the pose I love the most scorpion in pincha mayurasana and with a toe stretchHostsplanetpeoplech yafitkimyoga tatyankagrishina bli_3
Just hoping to brighten up your feed and your day with a neon splash of yogaFrom resting upside down on my head to one of my favourite strengthening and powerful arm balances#Al_R
It is truly amazing what we are capable of Dont let doubt limit your possibilitiesJumping in for day 6 of #aloboutastrology with an inversion pose of choice because I miss playi_R
In this moment through simply allowing and accepting and being with what is you can find peace in the midst of any circumstance any weatherMark Coleman#mindfulness #bepresent #y_2
I confess I havent been practicing my handstands since Ive been back from Germany I was feeling discouraged with them and I just love pincha but I think its time to start practi_1
I decided to jump in on #alo3posechallengealoyoga alomovesA pose I love is definitely scorpion pincha A pose I recently learned to love is camel I never used to like it until I _R
Hello yogis and welcome to the first day of #LiformeStrongerTogether We are starting this challenge off with a pose to strengthen the wrists and I chose firefly tittibhasana Be _3
Hollowback pinchas for the final day of #AloFemininePowerThank you to my lovely cohosts robyvanzella freedyogi flowingwithnaomi theogiyoginist and the generous sponsors aloyoga_2
Hard work pays off Patience pays off Consistency pays off#handstand #handstandscorpion #backbend #bendyback #strongandflexible #yoga #yogajourney #yogapractice #consistency #yog_R
Hello yogis and welcome to the first day of #LiformeStrongerTogether We are starting this challenge off with a pose to strengthen the wrists and I chose firefly tittibhasana Be _1
Happy on my hands Which shape is your fav Bow arrow stag or lotus#handstandpractice #handstandshapes #handstand #yoga #yogashapes #yogainspiration #yogainstructor #yogafun #yog_3