Every. Single. Time. I could be standing right in front of them, making direct eye contact, and somehow, I’m still invisible. Dance moms, you feel me?!
#SendHelp #SelectiveHearing
#DanceMomLife #ThatCrazyDanceMom #CompetitionDance #DanceHumor #Teen #DanceMomChronicles #POVDanceMom #HelpMe #DanceMomHumor #KevinHartMeme #MomLife #TheStruggleIsReal #Meme #MemeCut #CapCut
When you check your dance balance and see zero... but Nationals fees, new shoes, and recital tickets are coming for you.
#ThatCrazyDanceMom #DanceMom #DanceHumor #CompetitionDance #NationalsBound #DanceLife #DanceFees #RecitalSeason #PussInBootsMeme #DanceMomHumor #IYKYK
Competition day is NOT the time, child. But do they care? Nope. They just woke up and chose chaos.
#SendHelp #ThatCrazyDanceMom #DanceMom #DancerStruggles #CompetitionDay ##DanceCompetition #DanceParent #StayCalm #DanceMomMode #JustBreathe #POV #FunnyMoments #DanceHumor #DanceTikTok #Meme #MemeCut #CapCut
When the dance brother gets dragged to competition, you already know the energy he’s bringing. Minimal words and definitely just here because he has to be. Stay strong, dance siblings—your suffering is noted.
#ThatCrazyDanceMom #DanceBrother #DanceHumor #DanceCompetition #DanceMom #CompetitionWeekend #DanceFamily #MarshawnLynch #ImJustHereSoIWontGetFined #Relatable #DanceParents #DanceTikTok #FunnyReels #DancerLife
Me hyping up my dancer when they put on a costume they don’t love... but we’re already committed!✨😂
The show must go on, and so must the bonita vibes! 💃🏼
#DanceMom #CompetitionDance #DanceParent #FeelingBonita #DanceMomsBeLike #Bonita #DanceCompetition #DanceLife #TheShowMustGoOn #DanceMeme #DanceHumor ##ThatCrazyDanceMom #CompetitionSeason #Meme #MemeCut #CapCut
Me: pouring my heart out with the best post-comp compliments.
My dancer: internal cringe overload
I swear they love me… deep down.
#ThatCrazyDanceMom #DanceMom #CompetitionDance #SchittsCreek #Cringe #DancerReactions #DanceParentStruggles #CringeMom #FunnyDanceMom #DanceHumor #SupportiveButEmbarrassing
When you're in perimenopause and trying so hard not to cry every time your dancer goes on stage... but the hormones say nope! 🥹😭 Who else is riding this emotional rollercoaster?!
#ThatCrazyDanceMom #DanceMom #Perimenopause #DanceMomLife #EmotionalWreck #DanceCompetition #HormonesAreWild #MomLife #CryingAtEverything #Dancer #CompetitionDance #AllTheFeels #Meme #MemeCut #CapCut
Some questions are better left unanswered… 🤭💸 When your husband asks how much this month’s dance bill is ..... #YouCantHandleTheTruth
#DanceMom #CompetitionDance #Bills #MarriedLife #DanceMomHumor #DanceHumor #ThatCrazyDanceMom #CapCut
Me trying to process what just happened...
#ThatCrazyDanceMom #DanceMom #POV #CompetitionDance #DanceHumor #DanceCompetition #WaitWhat #Meme #MemeCut #CapCut
Dance brothers are already a little lost watching routines… but then this happens. 🤨💀
#DanceCompetition #DanceBrothe #ModernDanfe #SendHelp #ThatCrazyDanceMom #DanceHumor #POV #DancerLife #WhatDidIJustWatch #Meme #MemeCut #CapCut
⚠️ Language
📢 6:00 AM call time? Welcome to competition season! 😵☕️
New dance moms be like: "This must be a mistake!" Meanwhile, veteran dance moms already have their coffee, emergency kit, and five backup bobby pins ready. ☕🎭💃
#ThatCrazyDanceMom #DanceMomLife #CompetitionSeason #EarlyMorningStruggles #DanceMom #NewDanceMom #DanceParent #CompetitionDance #SendCoffee #DancerLife #CapCut
⚠️ Language
💪✨ Quick changes? Back-to-back routines? Running on adrenaline and Starbucks? BRING. IT. ON. 😎🔥
#ThatCrazyDanceMom #CompetitionLife #DanceMom #DanceHumor #DancerProblems #QuickChangeSurvivor #BringItOn #ThrivingInChaos #DanceCompetition #DanceMomEnergy #DanceLife #CompetitionDance #CapCut