The Blood Brothers - Cecilia And The Silhouette Saloon - live music video, made by S.A.F. back in 2002, converted on to 8mm format and edited by Cihan Sesen. Random live clips from various shows on the Oops Tour...w/The Locust, Arab on Radar & Lightning Bolt. The video was made in support of their album release for Burn, Piano Island, Burn. The video sound is being censored for copyright issues. You can view the whole video on our YouTube channel(The Pizza Series) #thebloodbrothers #artistdirect #epitaphrecords
#threeoneg #v2records #seattle
The Blood Brothers
The Blood Brothers - Ambulance vs. Ambulance music video directed by Laurent Briet. S.A.F.(strictly amateur films) filmed the live footage in the background, the video is superimposed over. Live footage is from a show at Bottom of the Hill in S.F. back in 2002. Clips of the live footage of this show can be seen on the "This is Circumstantial Evidence" DVD on Three One G. We'll be posting the entire live show footage on our YouTube channel(The Pizza Series) shortly. Video sound got muted for copyright issues. You can view the video here...https://youtu.be/gmdMNVyupMQ #thebloodbrothers #artistdirect #v2records #epitaphrecords #threeoneg #seattle
Swing Kids
Swing Kids live on 8mm film. Film was hand processed/edited in S.A.F.(strictly amateur films) darkroom in 1999. Refined edited version can be seen on "This is Circumstantial Evidence" DVD, released on Three One G records. See more footage on our YouTube channel(The Pizza Series). #swingkids #unbroken #thelocust #threeoneg #8mm #film #kodak #mcgowan #strictlyamateur #safrecords
The Crimson Curse // Live // - 8mm film - (1999)
The Crimson Curse live on Super 8mm film. All film developed and edited by hand in the S.A.F.(strictly amateur films) darkroom in 1999. This film never made it on to any physical releases. See more footage on our YouTube channel (The Pizza Series). #thecrimsoncurse #thealbumleaf #thelocust #nakedlights #retox #deadcross #threeoneg #8mm #film #kodak #mcgowan #strictlyamateur #safrecords
Mohinder was the first band S.A.F. converted to 8mm format back in 1998. I re-shot a live video of a show they played in 1994, onto Super 8mm and Regular 8mm film. All the film was hand processed and I used different cross processing techniques with the chemicals during the film developing stage, as well as light leaks to the chemical baths. This technique inspired me to make more band films and was the idea behind the "This is Circumstantial Evidence" DVD released on Three One G records. At the time, I only had a couple VCR's, Hi8, S8mm & Reg.8mm cameras/projectors and some rear projection screens to make and edit the films. The graininess of the film always reminded me of the way bands would make DIY artwork/silkscreen for their record covers. There's 6 songs total, but 3 here to give you an idea. I'm looking for the original footage of the show that this was from... more to come! #mohinder #mohinderband #hardcore #cupertino #8mm #film #unleadedrecords #gravityrecords #gsl