Employment Opportunity
Town Administrator
The Town of Antrim (approx. pop 2,700) is accepting applications for the position of a part-time Town Administrator. With a traditional town meeting form of government and reporting to a three-member Board of Selectmen, the Town Administrator manages an annual operating budget of $4.6 million. The Town Administrator acts as the Chief Administrative Officer for the Select Board and implements the orders and policies of the Board in accordance with all laws and Town rules, regulations, ordinances, policies, and procedures.
The Town of Antrim employs a part-time Deputy Town Administrator to assist the Town Administrator with the day-to-day operations and advances the goals of the Select Board as directed, particularly in areas requiring coordination/collaboration between departments.
A minimum of 5 years of demonstrated municipal management experience and knowledge/experience in areas of budget/finance, grant writing and implementation, human resources, planning, policy management and project management is desired. Starting salary commensurate with qualifications.
For a full job description can be found -> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.antrimnh.org/sites/g/files/vyhlif2736/f/uploads/town_administrator_final_2024.pdf__;!!PryGUe7zedMk!T_pE-VpQIzzi0Ju5jBEuV3qPmUYPqKGa_ch18aEIQeJoWQuJ5NZsKDWTvIQ3RqqhpbFp-tcroCxOpzpu9BQBK8U$
Please submit a cover letter, resume and three letters of reference to: [email protected] or via USPS mail to: Town of Antrim, Attention Donna Hanson, PO Box 517, Antrim, NH 03440