Arms Day! I did row today so works my arms then too. Listen to your body and decide if you need a weight and how big. I’m doing each exercise 10x and then doing 3 sets. Have a great night and keep moving! #motionislotion #moveyourbodychallenge #moveyourbody #weights #armsday #happywednesday #walkintherain #rainydays
Not sure what day it is so I have decided that doesn’t matter 🤣Getting your energy back after a virus can be tough. You do have to rest but you also need to move, a little at a time. So lift those legs, bend at the waist, squat….just do something to get your body moving and back to normal. Stay well and see you soon! #motionislotion #moveyourbodychallenge #staywell #moveyourbody #squatsfordays #energyboost #neverstopmoving #nevergiveup
Day 161 of Year 2! Working my tight shoulders this evening. Pick your weights, if you want any. Take your time so you have good steady movements. I always feel better after doing weights in the evening. Stay well! #motionislotion #moveyourbodychallenge #moveyourbody #armsday #weights #staywell #comeonspring
Day 160 of Year 2! Happy Squat Day! I just made that up 🤣 Do your squats - if you can’t go low, don’t worry. With practice, you will be able to go lower. Do them in your kitchen or bathroom all through out the day, a few at a time - they will add up! #motionislotion #moveyourbodychallenge #moveyourbody #squatsfordays #happysaturday #howlowcanyougo
Day 159 of Year 2! Ankles! Who thinks about exercising your ankles?! But your knees and your hips will be really happy if you do. Simple movements that can be accomplished anywhere - even in a line at the store. Just get in the habit of thinking about your ankles! #motionislotion #moveyourbodychallenge #moveyourbody #anklemobility #ankles #happythursday #3dayweekend
Day 158 of Year 2! Movement doesn’t have to be formal. Moving all over your house cleaning or playing with the little ones or your dogs, it’s all movement. I feel lucky to have the gym at work that I can use. Means I don’t have to come home and do a class online, unless I want to! Try these arm moves…super easy and effective. See you tomorrow! #motionislotion #moveyourbodychallenge #moveyourbody #happytuesday #armsworkout #arms #weights #rowingmachine #darts
Day 157 of Year 2! Balance is really important and something we should all continually work on. When working the ball under the leg exercise, be near a chair or a wall in case you do have a balance issue. Take your time with it and build up the balance. It’s not easy!!! #MotionIsLotion #moveyourbodychallenge #MoveYourBody #balance #balanceiskey #happysunday #ilovecrochet
Day 156 of Year 2! Happy Friday and Happy Valentine’s Day💕Using my resistance bands today and working the legs, hips and glutes. You could do this at the kitchen counter while doing something else. I love to multitask! Move it in some way or another today, big or small - it all counts! #MotionIsLotion #moveyourbodychallenge #workday #moveyourbody #resistancebands #happyvalentinesday #happyfriday #moveit
Day 155 of Year 2! Working at a computer all day makes for tight shoulders. These were a couple of exercises that helped loosen me up. Weights are always your choice - listen to your body. Keep moving and hope to see you tomorrow! #MotionIsLotion #moveyourbodychallenge #moveyourbody #shoulders #loosenup #keepmoving #workday
Day 154 of Year 2! If you have the ability to workout while you are at work, take advantage of it! So nice to not have to think about it when I get home. Arms workout today for me right now. Use whatever weights work for you or none works too. Slow and steady to work those muscles properly. #motionislotion #moveyourbodychallenge #moveyourbody #workoutatwork #treadmill #eliptical #rowingmachine #happymonday
Day 153 of Year 2! Pajama Day!!!! Don’t let what you are wearing keep you from moving your body. I used my step stool but you can also use a steady chair that doesn’t slide away from you. I have mine on my yoga mat for stabilization. Happy Sunday everyone! #motionislotion #moveyourbodychallenge #moveyourbody #HappySunday #pajamaday #keepitfun
Day 152 of Year 2! I hope it is nice where you are today and you can get outside. It feels like forever since I felt like it was a nice enough day to walk outdoors. Soak up the sun or move around inside - just be sure to move! #motionislotion #moveyourbodychallenge #MOVEYOURBODY #soakupthesun #walking #enjoytheday #happyfriday