Juneteenth’s bloomin on HOW Hill.
Lavenders, Daphne, Roses, lilies, mimulus/monkey flower, Klamath weed, coreopsis, speedwell, euphorbias, purple oregano, potato vine, garlic, tomatoes, comfrey, lychnis, Cotinus/smoke tree, gaillardia, cascara, gaura, bleeding 💕s, Nandina, tiger lilies, hypericum, feverfew, oak leaf hydrangea, last of the salmon aloes, last of the clovers, and lots of weeds & grasses…
Juneteenth’s bloomin on HOW Hill. Lavenders, Daphne, Roses, lilies, mimulus/monkey flower, Klamath weed, coreopsis, speedwell, euphorbias, purple oregano, potato vine, garlic, tomatoes, comfrey, lychnis, Cotinus/smoke tree, gaillardia, cascara, gaura, bleeding 💕s, Nandina, tiger lilies, hypericum, feverfew, oak leaf hydrangea, last of the salmon aloes, last of the clovers, plenty of wil sweet pea, & lots of weeds & grasses…
Juneteenth’s bloomin on HOW Hill.
Lavenders, Daphne, Roses, lilies, mimulus/monkey flower, Klamath weed, coreopsis, speedwell, euphorbias, purple oregano, potato vine, garlic, tomatoes, comfrey, lychnis, Cotinus/smoke tree, gaillardia, cascara, gaura, bleeding 💕s, Nandina, tiger lilies, hypericum, feverfew, oak leaf hydrangea, last of the salmon aloes, last of the clovers, and lots of weeds & grasses…