❌ It's not possible to grow and monetize a podcast.
You have ALL THREE of these skills:
♥️ You must know how to make an amazing, bingeable show.
A show that keeps your listeners coming back for more.
The VAST majority of podcasters spend NO time on the craft itself.
They record a conversation, maybe do some light editing, hit publish, and move on to the next.
I promise you, all of the “growth hacks” in the world won’t be helpful if your show sucks, or if it's mediocre.
If you have this skill, you can move on to the next skill:
✅ ② You must know exactly how to get more of your dream listeners to discover your show.
There are several proven ways to grow your podcast audience.
It’s not a ninja secret at all, and it’s not about your show getting lucky and “blowing up.”
I promise you, that will never happen.
Instead, audience growth is simply a skill to be learned.
Some growth levers require you to spend a little time, others require you to spend a little money.
NONE of them are truly “free.”
But they really aren’t hard.
You just need to learn how to do them.
Then, you can focus on:
✅ ③ You must know how to convert your podcast downloads to cash.
The fancy word we use is to “monetize.”
There are 3 main ways to monetize an audience.
They also are not rocket science.
So, if your podcast is not growing or monetizing to the level you want,
You simply don’t have these three skills yet.
Want help getting them ASAP?
I’m here to help.
I've taken two shows past 6 digits in revenue, and my hourlong Masterclass teaches you the SKILLS you need to ACTUALLY grow and monetize a podcast.
It’ll show you the holes you have in your podcaster skillset,
and it’ll help you start to finally get the audience growth and monetization that you signed up for when you launched the show in the first place!
👉 It’s here: https://growtheshow.com/masterclass