Nora's Legacy

Nora's Legacy A place to remember Nora and the incredible mark that she left upon this world. Together we will continue to share her radiant light.

Through us she will live on and continue to change the world. This is Nora's Legacy of Love.

Hi my Queen,I know it has been so long since Mama wrote you a letter here. I am so sorry for that. I think of you and ta...

Hi my Queen,

I know it has been so long since Mama wrote you a letter here. I am so sorry for that. I think of you and talk to you every day as you know, things have just been a little chaotic here and Mama hasn't really been up to writing much. I thought I would take a second though and write to you today.

Mama's new job is going well so far, I think making this move was a good choice for me. Getting to take care of someone again, someone who needs me and cannot care for themselves has been fulfilling. It has helped something inside of me just a little bit. I even gave your pink curtains to one of the gals I am caring for. Her room is all pink, just like yours was, she loves pink, just like you did. She didn't have any curtains though and was using a sheet to cover her window. Your curtains have just been hanging in your room, I didn't think you'd mind if we passed them on to her. It made her so happy and now every time I go in her room and see them it makes my heart smile to see them and know that you are still touching people's lives even now.

Buddy came to join you last Friday, I hope the 2 of you are taking good care of each other and both of you are enjoying blue skies and sunshine being pain free now. I bet he and Minikin were so excited to be reunited again. The other kitties have been a bit sad since ce he is gone and your sisters have struggled a little, but it has comforted them a little bit to know that all of you are together there and caring for one another.

We love you so much sweet girl and we miss you every single day! There is not a day that goes by that I am not thinking of you and carrying you with me. I will do so for the rest of my days until we meet again. I love you more than all the stars in the sky my sweet girl, and I miss you to infinity! Today, tomorrow and always. Xoxo

Love Mama ❤️


Happy Birthday my dear sweet beautiful Queen. You would be 4 today had you not left this earth too soon. I miss you every single second of every single day. No words are big or strong enough to describe the way that my heart aches for you. I hope that you always know how loved you are. I hope you're dancing in the sky now my sweet girl. I love you more than all the stars in the sky and I miss you to infinity. Today, tomorrow and always. Xoxo

Love Mama ❤️

My beautiful Queen, Today was hard, 1 year and 1 month since you left us, and exactly 1 year ago today since your final ...

My beautiful Queen,

Today was hard, 1 year and 1 month since you left us, and exactly 1 year ago today since your final celebration of life. I miss you so much my Angel. I am trying so hard to keep living this life in a way that will make you proud. I miss you every single day though. I know your are with me though, I find you in everything along the way. A red bird that flies by, a little sea turtle on a store window, a half rainbow in the sky, a little bee buzzing around my head, all of it makes me think of you. You will forever be with me ever step I take through the rest of life's journey. I just wish you were here in my arms still. I miss you so much my beautiful Angel, I miss you to infinity. I love you more than all the stars in the sky my sweet Queen. Today,tomorrow and always.

Love Mama ❤️

My beautiful Queen, Tonight is a hard night. Tonight I cannot help but wish that things could just go back to the way th...

My beautiful Queen,

Tonight is a hard night. Tonight I cannot help but wish that things could just go back to the way they were. To when the world and life just seemed right. When you were here and it was me and you side by side taking on the world. Now everything is a mess and nothing feels right anymore. I feel like the more I try to put the pieces back together, the harder it gets and the more everything just falls apart. And babygirl, I am so TIRED, like deep down in my SOUL tired, and I just want to rest. I just want to set all of the weight down and not carry it anymore and just finally rest. I miss you to infinity my beautiful Angel. I love you more than all the stars in the sky.

Love Mama ❤️

Oh my beautiful Angel,I am lying here tonight listening to your playlist and sifting through all of the amazing memories...

Oh my beautiful Angel,

I am lying here tonight listening to your playlist and sifting through all of the amazing memories you left me as the tears roll down my cheeks and moisten my pillow. I miss you so much Queen. I can't even find the words right now, I just miss you. I can't believe that somehow it has been one year ago today that I faced my own worst nightmare turned reality. What will forever be the absolute worst day of my entire existence. The day you left this world. That day still sits crystal clear in my mind, precise down to the tiniest detail as though it were only yesterday. Yet somehow, it has been a whole year. A whole year without your smile in my world. A whole year without your laughter. It still doesn't seem real sometimes. There are still days that I wake up and for a split second, think it was all just a horrible nightmare. That you will be right where you belong in your crib in your room. Just a split second, then reality comes crashing in and I am crushed by it all over again. 365 days in a world without you just doesn't seem possible. I miss you to infinity my beautiful girl. I love you more than all the stars in the sky. Today, tomorrow and always.

Love Mama ❤️

Hi my beautiful Angel, I thought of you so much today. I miss you and I cannot believe it has been almost a full year si...

Hi my beautiful Angel,

I thought of you so much today. I miss you and I cannot believe it has been almost a full year since you left me here and went to go be free. I wish you were still here my love. Everything has been so much harder without you. I wish I could hold you and kiss your cheeks and tell you all about life. I miss our late night "conversations" when neither of us could sleep. I am doing my best to try to keep on going and make the best of things. It is not easy though. I did meet someone who makes it just a tiny bit easier though. He makes me smile in a way that I haven't smiled in such a very long time. I wish I could introduce him to you. I bet you both would have adored one another. I know that he would have just thought the world of you. Your big sisters like him too. It's so strange how life just keeps moving forward. I am trying hard not to get stuck and to honor your memory by living a beautiful life still. We all went to the river this past Sunday and had a blast. Lil loved it, she went full feral and wanted to swim in it, so we let her. Ronnie (that's Mommy's new special friend I mentioned) and her spent a lot of time playing in the water and I took lots of pictures. It was good to see everyone just having a great time. I know you would have loved it too. I think next time we might try to go fishing and see what we catch, and of course we are talking about going camping and stuff too. I am really trying to get out and enjoy little bits of life again. I miss you big every day though. There is not a single day that goes by that I don't think of you and miss you. I hope that you can see us from wherever you are. I hope we are making you proud. Keep painting the sky in beautiful colors for me my love. Keep letting me know that you're still here with me. I miss you to infinity my beautiful Queen. I love you more than all the stars in the sky my love. Today, tomorrow and always!

Love Mama ❤️

My sweet beautiful Queen,I am struggling so much here lately. I miss you so much. I find myself in tears at the stranges...

My sweet beautiful Queen,

I am struggling so much here lately. I miss you so much. I find myself in tears at the strangest times for seemingly no reason. I hate September, I will forever hate September for the rest of my life. I wish I could just sleep straight through from August 31st to October 1st, never waking and forever in my dreams where you are. I miss you so much baby. I miss you more than there are words to describe. September just sucks. I miss you to infinity my love, and I love you more than all the stars in the sky. Today, tomorrow and always.

Love Mama ❤️

My dear sweet beautiful girl,I miss you so much it hurts today. Not that it is not an ever present incurable ache within...

My dear sweet beautiful girl,

I miss you so much it hurts today. Not that it is not an ever present incurable ache within my heart and soul. But today it feels as though that wound has once again been torn open anew and all attention brought back round to the massive gaping hole inside of me in the shape of you. If only heaven had visiting hours so I could come right up and get one of your radiant smiles and spend hours enveloped with your sweet cuddles. I miss you to infinity my love, my beautiful Queen. I love you more than all the stars in the sky. Today, tomorrow and always.

Love Mama ❤️

I have seen your little signs everywhere today my Queen. Everywhere I look there you are letting me know that you are st...

I have seen your little signs everywhere today my Queen. Everywhere I look there you are letting me know that you are still with me. I miss you more than words could ever say my sweet Angel. Thank you for showing me that you are here still. I love you more than all the stars in the sky my sweet girl and I miss you to infinity. Today, tomorrow and always.

Love Mama ❤️

I missed you so damn much today my dear little Queen. This ache inside of me is nearly unbearable some days. Today was o...

I missed you so damn much today my dear little Queen. This ache inside of me is nearly unbearable some days. Today was one of those days. I tried not to let it show and I'm pretty sure that I managed to hide it well so you're sisters wouldn't see me hurting, but damn, I really really really missed you today babygirl. I know you were with me though, staying close by because I saw so many dragonflies and I just knew that was your way of letting me know you're there and sending your love. It is not the same as having you in my arms though and holding you tight. I miss you to infinity my love. I long for the day that we will meet again. I love you more than all the stars in the sky my sweet beautiful Angel. Today, tomorrow and always.

Love Mama ❤️

Hello my sweet Angel,You have been on my mind so much today. I miss you deeply. I wish you were here with me my love. I ...

Hello my sweet Angel,

You have been on my mind so much today. I miss you deeply. I wish you were here with me my love. I miss your smile so much and the sound of your laughter. I listened to your songs the other night and it was so strange because here I was feeling comforted so much by the sound of your music that we used to listen to every single day. Each night when you would go to bed and I would play your playlist for you to sleep, I would be laying here listening to it too through your camera that we kept on to be able to hear and see you through the night. It was a comfort laying here listening to it, but also bawling my eyes out because it hurt so much knowing that you weren't in the other room listening too like you should be. This life without you is such a foreign place still. I feel like I have been picked up and deposited into a parallel universe that while it LOOKS similar to my own, it has no place for me where I fit anymore. I was not meant to be here without you and I still feel that empty out-of-placeness every moment of every single day. I love you more than all the stars in the sky my sweet Queen. Today, tomorrow and always. I miss you to infinity.

Love Mama ❤️

My sweet beautiful Queen, How has it been 10 months already? 10 months since last I held you, 10 months since I kissed y...

My sweet beautiful Queen,

How has it been 10 months already? 10 months since last I held you, 10 months since I kissed you, 10 months since my world and my heart both shattered into a billion tiny pieces as I held you in my arms and said goodbye. 10 months has passed and yet I still feel as though my whole world is standing frozen in time without you here. Each day passes the same, monotonous and just empty, I go through the motions of what I know is expected of me... How I "should be". I show the whole world what it needs to see from me while simultaneously remaining frozen in that exact second when your heart stopped and the whole Universe caved in upon itself and was swallowed into nothingness. I remain here, in the nothing as time moves by... 10 months of eternity... I miss you my angel, I miss you to infinity. I love you more than all the stars in the sky my sweet Nora. I really wish wherever you are had visiting hours. I guess I will have to just see you in my dreams. Xoxo.

Love Mama ❤️

I did not get to post this yesterday Cyber Family, we were having a bit of a small crisis going on here as well, however...

I did not get to post this yesterday Cyber Family, we were having a bit of a small crisis going on here as well, however, I am asking you once again to wrap another Rhizokids Family in your love and light as they mourn the loss of their sweet girl Nisanurum. She passed away yesterday morning and again our hearts break for them. As a community we shed tears beside them and hold them in our hearts from afar. Another beautiful angel has joined her Rhizo brothers and sisters to watch over us all.

Give my girly a big hug for me please Nisanurum, and know that she will show you around and together you will both run free. We love you all. Fly high sweet Angels.

Nora's Mama

Cyber Family, it is a heavy day, another Rhizokid has gained her wings. Please keep Callie's Mom Marie and her Dad Danie...

Cyber Family, it is a heavy day, another Rhizokid has gained her wings. Please keep Callie's Mom Marie and her Dad Daniel in your thoughts today. Callie would have been 17 this year. 💔💔💔 She has joined her RhizoAngel brothers and sisters now running free and clear of the physical restrictions and difficulties they faced in this life. Kiss my sweet Nora for me please Callie, and all of you babies, fly free! We love you all!

Nora's Mama

Hey there my Queen,I wanted to show you what I did today. Today I "adopted" a sea turtle from The Turtle Hospital in Flo...

Hey there my Queen,

I wanted to show you what I did today. Today I "adopted" a sea turtle from The Turtle Hospital in Florida. Her name is Bender and she is a Kemp's Ridley sea turtle, the rarest type of sea turtle in the whole world. She reminded me of you in that aspect, that and her big bright "smile" in her picture, I just fell in love with her as soon as I saw her. I knew that you would have loved her too. So I adopted her in your honor. I don't know if it when we will ever get to go down there to see her, but it made me happy just knowing that our little donation will help them to help and take care of these beautiful creatures that you loved so much. We will continue to adopt Bender every year from now on and Mama's goal is to hopefully be able to start adopting even more each year to help support this amazing organization and all that they do. I will do as much as a possibly can to help make a difference for these beautiful creatures in memory of you my angel. I love you sweet girl. I'm so sorry that I never got to make good on my promise to take you to go and see a real sea turtle before you left us. I wish it had not been so. I wish I could have seen the light in your eyes seeing one of your favorite creatures up close. This will have to do instead now. I plan to take your Sissies to meet Bender someday, just as soon as I am able, and when we do, I just know that you will be right there with us in our hearts and in our souls. I love you more than all the stars in the sky my sweet beautiful Queen. I miss you for infinity. Today, tomorrow and always. Xoxo

Love Mama ❤️

Hey there my love,I don't know why, but today is turning out to be a really really hard day for me. The tears keep comin...

Hey there my love,

I don't know why, but today is turning out to be a really really hard day for me. The tears keep coming in waves that threaten to drown me. I am extremely grateful that I am working from home as it doesn't really matter if my keyboard is splashed with tears or my trash can fills up with tissues, nobody is here to see me cry, but all I keep thinking as I sit here today is that everything is WRONG. It was always supposed to be that I would work from home while you and your nurse were just right down the hall, but that's not how it is... I am here, but you are not and that is not fair. That's not how it was supposed to be. I was supposed to be able to come and snuggle you on breaks and check on you throughout the day. I was supposed to be able to hear you while I worked, but now all I have is silence and the rain and I am not ok.... yeah, today is a really, really hard fu***ng day...

I miss you so much my angel, I miss you to infinity. I love you more than all the stars in the sky my sweet beautiful Queen. Today, tomorrow and always. I hope you can feel the hugs and kisses that I am not able to physically give you anymore, I hope that they reach you wherever you are.

Love Mama ❤️

Hi my beautiful Queen,I missed you a lot today, not that I don't miss you a lot every day, but I certainly did today. Yo...

Hi my beautiful Queen,

I missed you a lot today, not that I don't miss you a lot every day, but I certainly did today. Your Grand Pappy came over to see us and bring Lil her birthday gift, she was so excited, he got her a guitar. Yes, a real one. Now she and Ena both have one, and Mama does too. We have decided that we will learn to play together and your Sissies want to learn to play your song, so I guess now we have a goal. It's nice that we will all have something to bring us even closer together and honor your memory in the process. I hope that wherever you are you will be able to hear us when we finally are able to play beautiful music for you. I miss you babygirl, I will miss you for infinity. I love my sweet Angel, more than all the stars in the sky. Today, tomorrow and always.

Love Mama ❤️

My beautiful Queen,It is always the quiet hours that are the hardest, and this morning is proving no different. I have b...

My beautiful Queen,

It is always the quiet hours that are the hardest, and this morning is proving no different. I have been awake for about an hour now and of course you are who my mind is always turned to. As memories leak from my eyes and roll down my face, I find myself once again picking apart those final hours, reliving them in my head as I so often do. Dissecting every second, looking for what went wrong. It has been 9 months and yet still it feels like only yesterday, every detail still so vivid in my minds eye. Still no matter how many ways I look at it, dissect it, will it to be something other, it is never not the nightmare that haunts me for enternity. None of this is fair or right. I miss you my love. I will miss you for infinity. You should still be here with me and none of this is ok no matter how brave of a face we all put on. I love you more than all of the stars in the sky my sweet girl. Today, tomorrow and always.

Love Mama ❤️


Anderson, IN



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