Ginger Boatwright, Betty Hartford and LJ Leach on the Borealis Bluegrass Breakdown 10.16.19
Ginger Boatwright with Betty Hartford and LJ Leach on the Borealis Bluegrass Breakdown 10.16.19
KNBA pre-pledge drive tour
Fall pledge drive on KNBA. Calling to support great shows like the BBB tonight from 8 to 10 PM
Tonight is the spring pledge drive on KNBA with the Borealis Bluegrass Borealis Bluegrass Breakdown Every song is guaranteed to make you jump up and holler break down and cry. Please consider calling in during the show and pledging your support for the amazing programming at KNBA where music matters. Stay tuned as I will be posting a live video as we are on air.
Special thanks to the Another Brothers for coming on the BBB this week to play for our listeners. Those in Alaska can catch them 7/29 at Alice's in Homer.
Dan Booth & Amanda Kerr- BBB 12/14/16
Rachel Baiman, Eli West & George Jackson on The BBB-June 2106
Ladies and gentlemen friends and neighbors tonight is a special night on the BBB. It's pledge time on KNBA and tonight is the BBB pledge extravaganza! This is your opportunity to support the station you love which makes shows like the Borealis Bluegrass Breakdown possible. We have had a wonderful run with amazing music filled with local and visiting musicians. Attached is a video highlighting some of these events. Please call in tonight during the show and pledge your support on KNBA where music matters.
Special thanks to Rushad Eggelston for visiting KNBA and playing on the BBB. Show dates and posters listed on the BBB page.
Little vid from this weeks BBB. Special thanks to Todd, Angela, Jason, Gary and Connor for coming in to play live.