I had hoped to make calls asking people to Vote Chris Tuck for mayor. Regrettably I've been ill and unable to do so. Hopefully I'll be capable of that soon. Chris makes compromises in government such that no side gets everything but all sides set something and Government will function. He is honest and has a track record actually trying to do what he says he will. When he was in the Legislature that ment working with 61 other people to keep his promises. 40 House Reps, 20 Senators and 1 governor. Meaning he couldn't always accomplish what he promised but he did work harder than Most other politicians. Chris will make the best Mayor because of his honesty and ability to work with other. 3 more years of Mayor Bronson would mean 3 more years of nothing getting done becuse he and the Assembly hate any idea the other has... even if they previously had the same idea. LaFrance is part of the problem having tried to usurp the executive branch and spend far to much money. If elected I predict Anchorage will not only keep property tax at the amount alowed in the Muni Charter but also add a sales tax within 2 years. With the exception of the year I re financed my mortgage my house payment has gone up every year. Not because of some stupid variable rate mortgage but because property tax keeps going up. My income is down but the Muni Assembly including Canidate LaFrance think all home and property owners are rich because they act like we have more money than we need so they (the Assembly) should take more of it, after all they can spend it better anyway.
Please vote Chris Tuck for Mayor.
Andy Holleman Bill Wielechowski Joseph Chavez Dendra Chavez Berta Black Gardner Roger Branson