Happy July 4th! Dive into "Negotiating the New START Treaty" by Rose Gottemoeller, exploring the pivotal role of diplomacy in securing our nation's independence & global partnerships https://ow.ly/3FOq50Ssr4C
"Songs of the rural population were disregarded in China until the early 20th century when Chinese intellectuals began to take a serious interest in the collection of songs from regional cultures. …These 'folk epics' were performed by men & women while working in the rice paddy…Some narrative songs deal with culture heroes, supernatural figures, and rebel leaders. But the vast majority feature amorous encounters between men and women that lead to social opprobrium, punishment, and death. Contemporary Chinese folklore scholars, like their predecessors, have been somewhat disconcerted by the erotic material found in these songs of passionate love."
Read a longer excerpt from "Memory Making in Folk Epics of China: The Intimate and the Local in Chinese Regional Culture" by Anne E. McLaren at https://ow.ly/a0y250SckeT and see more information about the book at https://ow.ly/T9lh50SckeU
For fresh perspectives on the most pressing issues in the complex world of international relations, security studies, and military strategy, check out this book series headed by Dr. Thomas Mahnken, President and CEO of Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments - CSBA and Senior Research Professor at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies https://ow.ly/L6Af50RuPFb
Sinophone Translation Series Video
We are excited to showcase new books at #AAS2024! Watch this video for 2 new titles in the Sinophone Translation Series headed by Prof. Kyle Shernuk. Come chat with Prof. Shernuk on March 15 (Friday) 10am–Noon or March 16 (Saturday) 2–3:30pm about future translations at booth 601.
Drop off your business card at booth 601 for the lucky draw to win a copy of a new book in the series, “Urban Scenes,” a "fascinating collection that captures China’s dizzying shift from tradition to modernity in the 1920s." https://cambriapress.com/LiuNaouUrbanScenes
Forthcoming from the series is Bonnie S. McDougall’s “Translation Stories from Modern China,” which traces her “monumental contributions, including being the first person to introduce the work of Bei Dao to the English-reading world and bringing about a full translation of Dung Kai-cheung's widely acclaimed work ‘Atlas.’” http://cambriapress.com/BonnieMcDougallChina
Several books have been written about the growing risks of war and how such a conflict might start. THE NEXT MAJOR WAR takes a more wide-ranging and in-depth look at the demands such a war would make on the US alliance. Drawing on several years of research on Chinese and American planning, it describes the rather different types of war the two sides are planning to fight. https://www.cambriapress.com/NextMajorWar
Several books have been written about the growing risks of war and how such a conflict might start. THE NEXT MAJOR WAR takes a more wide-ranging and in-depth look at the demands such a war would make on the US alliance. Drawing on several years of research on Chinese and American planning, it describes the rather different types of war the two sides are planning to fight. https://www.cambriapress.com/NextMajorWar
This book is part of the the Cambria Rapid Communications in Conflict and Security Series, headed by Dr. Thomas G. Mahnken, President and CEO of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) and Senior Research Professor at The Johns Hopkins University's Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).
Prof. Anne E. McLaren's "Memory Making in Folk Epics of China" is "pioneering and extremely important" and is "the first major English-language study to examine a local Han epic tradition." cambriapress.com/FolkEpicsChina
We are honored and delighted to have Professor Kyle Shernuk (Georgetown University) as the editor of the Cambria Sinophone Translation Series, Professor Christopher Lupke (University of Alberta) as advisor, and so many outstanding scholars and translators for our editorial board!
John Balcom (Middlebury Institute of International Studies)
Mark Bender (Ohio State University)
Michael Berry (UCLA)
Chan Cheow Thia (National University of Singapore)
Jannis Jizhou Chen (CUHK)
Howard Chiang (UC Davis)
Kuei-fen Chiu (National Chung-hsing University)
Chih-wei Chung (Fu-jen Catholic University, Taiwan)
Howard Goldblatt (University of Notre Dame)
Hsin-Chin Evelyn Hsieh (National Taiwan University)
Dingru Huang (Tufts University)
Theodore Huters (UCLA)
Wilt Idema (Harvard University)
Mabel Lee (University of Sydney)
Yu-lin Lee (Academia Sinica)
Sebastian Hsien-hao Liao (National Taiwan University)
Pei-yin Lin (University of Hong Kong)
Sylvia Li-chun Lin (University of Notre Dame)
Victor Mair (University of Pennsylvania)
Bonnie McDougall (University of Sydney)
Mei Chia-ling (National Taiwan University)
David Der-wei Wang (Harvard University)
Frances Weightman (University of Leeds)
"'Culture, Nature, and the Other in Caribbean Literature: An Ecocritical Approach' by Mary Ann Gosser Esquilín is a tour de force of comparative Caribbean environmental and postcolonial literary studies" —Professor Ivette Romero, Marist College https://www.cambriapress.com/CaribbeanEcocriticism/ #newbookrelease
This book is part of the the Cambria Latin American Literatures and Cultures Series, headed by Professor Román de la Campa (University of Pennsylvania). See https://www.cambriapress.com/latam.cfm
Short video on new book "Salvaging Buddhism to Save Confucianism in Choson Korea (1392–1910)" by Dr. Gregory N. Evon. Available in print and digital editions. Order your copy today at https://www.cambriapress.com/SalvagingBuddhism
"Rose Gottemoeller…was tasked with negotiating the first comprehensive bilateral nuclear-arms-control treaty between the United States and Russia in more than a quarter of a century, and to do so in less than a year – an unprecedentedly short time. Despite the enormity of this task, she successfully negotiated the 2010 New START treaty. This book is a highly readable and engaging personal account of the process..." —Survival: Global Politics and Strategy
Rose Gottemoeller's award-winning, highly acclaimed book "Negotiating the New START Treaty," which includes color photos, is available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook https://www.cambriapress.com/NewSTART
This book is in the Cambria Rapid Communications in Conflict and Security Series (General Editor: Geoffrey R.H. Burn) https://www.cambriapress.com/rccsbooks.cfm