1, Save Money by Managing It Well
Start budgeting. Want to hear something cool? The first time you create an EveryDollar budget you’ll probably find money you didn’t know you had. Decide how much money you can save each month and do that first. Then tell the rest of your money where to go.
2, Save Money by Cutting Your Spending
Drop entertainment, restaurants and unnecessary shopping. Brace yourself for this one.
Be aware of other ways you tend to spend for the sake of fun. Maybe you’re a sports ju**ie who goes to every home game, or maybe you enjoy a good online shopping spree.
Evaluate necessary expenses. Spend some time with your budget. Get acquainted with categories like groceries, clothing, diapers, and gas. We’re talking about areas you can’t cut out but could cut back.
Buy generic brands or store brands for a bit. Make a list and stick to it when running errands.
Re-examine your bills. Most likely your monthly fixed bills are of the "set it and forget it" variety. You chose your plans years ago and just don’t think about them now. Well, it’s time to rethink everything because you have $1,000 to earn!
3, Save Money by Increasing Your Income
Get to work. Of course, one of the best ways to save money quickly is to bring home more of it.
Offer your services. Maybe you’d like to keep things simple as you work to earn more cash. By offering services to your neighbors and community, you can control your schedule and the amount you bring in.
Declutter. There’s something powerful about resetting your priorities..
4, Save Money by Getting Radical
Halt savings in other areas.
Believe in yourself. You can do it! Believe in yourself! Make a plan for building your emergency fund and trust that you’ll have the willpower to follow through and then actually follow through.