Our Story
Dan Faingnaert and Marilyn Shields began publishing the Western Pennsylvania Motorcycle News in September 1988. A couple of years later, as demand and support grew from all regions of PA for a reliable source of motorcycling information, we changed the name to Keystone Motorcycle Press to better reflect our ever-increasing coverage and readership. Over the years we interviewed hundreds of business owners, racers, club members, bikers on the road, and have profiled all sorts of motorcycle-related products, people, events, and much more and continue to do so. We provide political information that affects riders. The Keystone Motorcycle Press is well known as the go-to source for upcoming events, including in our summer issues as many as 8 or more pages on Calendar listings alone. You won’t find better road-trip stories anywhere, written by some of the best moto journalists in the biz: Traveling Route 6; Diners across PA; Finding the Best Hot Dog; The Best Pretzel, Covered Bridges Across PA; A Horizontal Road Across PA; A Verticle Path Down The Middle, just to name a few.
If you are looking for hometown Pennsylvania news, history, great roads, welcoming restaurants with great food, lots of pics, and overall motorcycling, motorcycling, motorcycling we think you will enjoy the KMP.
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Display advertising space for as little as $20.00! Email or call Marilyn for advertising information and media kit at [email protected] or 724.774.6542
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