Self Expression Festival compilation vid😍🤩🥳
📣We are so excited about our Self Expression Festival happening this June!🦋
We had a wonderful fest last year, showing off our many talents💐Let's make this year even more fun, informative and expressive🤩😍
Looking for Vendors, Performers and Collaborators✨✨✨✨✨
Interested and want to get involved? Send us a message😊⬇️ or click the link below to register.
👋🏽 Tomrisha Shanice High Profile
👋🏽Interested in Modeling?
🌹Send: Model
✨To: (814)338-5888 Get Scheduled today!
or submit information below via our link!
You can find my form "Model Registration form" at:
Everyone Welcome Unique to the team! She's such a beautiful person ready to begin her modeling journey!💖✨💖✨💖✨💖
Need time for Self love? Join us as we explore remedies for relaxation, focus and confidence. Only $10 @6pm July 1 & 2.
@Kaitlyn Alexandra, ✨Our Fashion Stylist✨
@Renée Taylor, ✨Our Modeling Manager✨