Camper or glamper?
This made me second guess my life choices of being a fulltime RVer 😂
2 things: I found him because I was peacefully sitting outside enjoying the sunshine working on some vids and he slithered up next to my foot!!
2: no one was hurt or touched by the snake…. except maybe a lizard 🫣
Which are you? Camper or glamper?
Follow for more!!
ps I’ll still be camping, but in my camper!
#rvlifestyle #rvlifewithkids #realliferv #glamping #glampersnotcampers #campinglife #campmore #1000hoursoutside
Camping camp camper
Do you stamp the back of your Junior Ranger badges? Stamping the back helps us to remember exactly when we were where!!
But, it only works on the wooden ones, but you can use a sharpie marker on the plastic ones when you get home!!
Do you do this?
#juniorranger #juniorrangerbadge #nationalparks #nationalparkservice #nationalparkgeek #fulltimetravelfamily
Do your kids make friends all over the country and then as soon as they see them they pick up right where they left off?
And the 2 years apart while visiting 17 different states plus a different country never changed a thing?!!
Fulltime travel RV life is AMAZING!!
Are your kids like this too?!
Follow for travel, homeschooling, mishaps and so much more!
#rvlifestyle #rvlifewithkids #rvlivingfulltime #rvcommunity #rvers #fulltimetravelfamily #fulltimerv
Encouragement goes a long way, look at all he’s done now and he just turned 16!! We’re called to guide them and direct them in the way they should go and that also means being their biggest cheerleader!
If you want to give Brayden a follow and help cheer him on he’s on most socials as The 1st Brick and I’ll link him in my stories!
Your turn, share your kiddo(s) below that you want to cheer on and we moms all cheer them on and lift them up together!
LIKE • SAVE • FOLLOW for more🩷
#momofteens #momofteenagers #encourageyourkids #buildthemup #fulltimetravel #entrepreneurship
Did you know that every time we get propane we have to exit the motorhome for safety purposes?
They want to make sure that no one is in the RV while they fill it up with propane because our propane is onboard!
Thanks @lovestravelstops for keeping us safe and so much more!
Did you know that Love’s loves campers and some locations have dump stations, potable water, dog parks, RV camping and more? Check them out!
Where do you like to stop for fuel?
⛽️ Tiffany
#rvlivingfulltime #rvlivingwithkids #fulltimervers #fulltimerv #fulltimetravelfamily #motorhomelife #lovestravelstop
It’s HERE! 🎉 I can’t wait to share my journey to straight teeth with you!! ~> and give you a discount so you can start your own journey, keep reading!
Because we travel fulltime all over the USA in our camper it’s hard to get to regular orthodontist appointments, but with My Smile Express®️ and the advanced technology of the ScanBox Pro I get to do it all from home!!
Once a week I open the app and use the ScanBox Pro for my virtual consultation, it’s SO easy!! The ScanBox Pro takes scans of my teeth and then sends them to my orthodontist through the Smile Doctors app!
Now thanks to Smile Doctors Bloomington I’ve officially started my Invisalign®️ journey!!
AND!! Go check out My Smile Express®️ @mysmileexpress and use my special code “mybestsmile” to get a special discount on your treatment plus free ILLUME® X GLO PRO POWER at-home whitening!!!!
Did you know it could be so easy to get straight teeth?
#Invisalign #MySmileExpress #expressyourself #invisalignsmile #smiledoctors #fulltimetravel
Did you know this? You can get straight teeth with @mysmileexpress even if your house moves!!
We travel fulltime all over the USA in our camper and with My Smile Express®️ I can get straight teeth no matter where we are!!
While we were back home in Indiana I made an appointment with Smile Doctors Bloomington @smiledoctorsbloomingtonin and started my process to straight teeth fast! Dr. John Heister was very thorough and made this such an easy enjoyable experience, he was just as excited as I was to start me on my Invisalign®️ at home journey!
After my initial consultation, all of my appointments, teeth scans and communication are done through the Smile Doctors Anywhere app!!
I can’t wait for you to join me on this journey so I can show you how easy it is to get straight teeth as we travel ALL over the country!!
Are you just like me and always wanted straight teeth!? You can!! Go check out My Smile Express®️ because it’s been the best, easiest experience ever!!!
#MySmileExpress #ExpressYourself #Invisalign
How long do you think it took to get “home”? San Diego, CA to Indianapolis, IN?
We wanted to get “home” quickly so that we could see Ryan’s mom and be there with her.
We of course had a few mishaps #rvlifestyle plus some bonus stops, but we drove looong days!!
There so much more to come, we have so much to show you and tell you about our mishaps and early summer travels plus some exciting things in the midst of her cancer.
Ok, tell me what you think, how long did it take us to get “home”?!
Did you know?
Would you camp in front of someone’s house?
This is an epic reel of our friends @faithfamilyandafifthwheel visiting us and camping/Moochdocking outside our parents house!! It was the best 3 days ever!!
Would you camp in a housing edition to see your friends?
💙RV friends are the best!
#campbetter #camping #camp #camplife #campvibes #camperlife #fifthwheel #fifthwheelliving #fifthwheellife #fifthwheelfamily #moochdocking #trailerlife #5thwheelliving #5thwheel #5thwheelcamper
💦 + Florida = 🐊 gators in the water!
Thanks @doubledeckerfam for giving us this valuable tip!! If only we had know this tip before her arm disappeared inside her shirt 😂
💦 =🐊 Tiffany
#travelkids #travelkid #travelkidsandfun #visitflorida #visitcentralflorida #visitcentralfl #alligators #floridalife #floridaliving #floridagirl #florida #floridabeaches #floridalifestyle #floridatravel #tpo6 #doubledeckerbus #doubledecker
I don’t even know how to say any of this. This was the hardest reel I’ve ever had to make and it just so happens that it was exactly 2 months ago today that we said goodbye to her.
We’ve received so many messages and texts and love and prayer and this is where we’ve been - soaking up our last moments with Ryan’s mom, my mom in love, our kids grandma.
It’s been such a hard season and so much has happened. And I just couldn’t wrap my head around everything so social’s suffered, I wasn’t the best of friend, I didn’t respond to texts or DMs, I just couldn’t. I needed to be present and with Ryan and our kids. Oh how my heart has ached for our kids, that’s been so hard as a mom to watch them cry.
We talk a lot about not waiting to fully live, living life now because it’s so short and this was a reminder of why we travel fulltime, why we make moments over money, why we put our family first.
Life is so short.
Our hearts are at peace because we know where she went and that we’ll see her again, but they’re still healing. And each time we go somewhere new or something funny happens or the kids do something, we all want to tell grandma… but we can’t. That’s been so hard, so even in the peace there’s heartache.
Mom, you loved so well and were so loved. We can’t wait to see you again, until then, I will do my best to be a loving Proverbs 31 like you, we’ll keep reading lots of books together, traveling all over to see God’s creation, and keep making memories just like you’d want to see
Would you open the door with a bat right there!? 🫣🦇
I don’t know why the bat decided to sleep on the door of our camper, but the kids were suuuper excited about this school break and told lots of neighbors 😆
And, we did open the door….
#homeschoolinghappenseverywhere #homeschooledkids #homeschoollife #rvlife #camperlife #camping #batman🦇