It's story time, so sit down and kick your shoes off, and I'll tell you a dastardly tale of my own personal mischief. It goes far to demonstrate just how sickened I am, as the son of a combat wounded, WWII PEARL HARBOR veteran, by what the misled, unpatriotic and ignorant supporters of law enforcement have ILLEGALLY done to the design of the US Flag.*
Case in point, one laughable local business owner, (who's about to lose it all, I hear) Butch C*le, who at times displays such disgusting and disrespectful altered flag design motifs in his greasy, grimy, gristley rip-off of a Right-Wing N**i butcher shop, housed in an abandoned gas station, complete with backed-up drains, on North Nokomis.
I took umbrage with his unamerican, fascist-looking store decorations, and...did some things. I can't tell you everything I did, but let's just put it this way: cameras don't capture much....and it's MY damn town, anyways, in any event, so it's my job to deal with this infestation of scum, riff-raff, and seditionist brainwashed MAGA D-bags. As the self-appointed defacto local rebel leader of Antifa, I'll handle it with whatever tactics I deem to be appropriate, legal or otherwise.
I also took umbrage with his former patronage of the despicable MAGATARD radio station KXRA AM 1490, and was touring Alexandria in the Combat Van, pulling my boat-sign around, and doing something about it. The big 16 foot long sign on the boat read differently than the sign in the photo posted here, but looked very similar in every other respect, in that it had the same style of lettering and what-not, same size and colors and such. The only difference being that it said "BOYCOTT FASCIST KXRA ADVERTISERS," instead of "ALEXANDRIA MINNESOTA REBEL NEWS."
I was traipsing around, hither and yon, dipping around the town, up and down, driving around, upsetting, upsetting, upsetting the town with my Scooby-Doo Van and big-ass counter-propaganda boat sign messaging. (I still call it the "Combat Van," which was it's Christian name before I borrowed it to my son and it came back looking like this. Now everyone calls it the "Scooby Doo Van." Great joke to play on dad, huh? Now everyone points and waves at me and walks up to ask me about my Cartoon Van. There's still a little package of vintage "smelling salts" in the glove box, in case anyone ever gets knocked the f**k out, so it's still a "Combat Van" in my heart and mind. The emergency ammonia inhalants never left.)
I was making many stops, that you would expect me to, parking in front of all the right-wing fascist sympathizer and collaborating shops that advertise with KXRA. The people of Alex were stunned and flabbergasted everywhere that I'd roll up. Right up in the middle of their lakey little lives; a direct ideological attack on the normalization of their quaint little fascist brand of right-wing extremism, that they pipe directly into the addled minds of these cretins on a regular basis through the AM airwaves, and I savored watching their complacent jaws drop upon sighting me and my eye-popping get up.
It's not my fault that they felt so hassled and intimidated by little old me, merely exercising my 1st Amendment Rights. Not a regular sight in this town. The most visceral and amusing reaction, and my proudest case of customized provocation, elicited a countenance, twitching and shaking with rage: Which was the reaction that I got from clowny little temper-boy, Butch C*le, the creepy proprietor of "Lake Country Meats." (Shown in the posted photo trying to look tough with a tooth-pick. Point of interest: the biggest, saddest losers in the world invent and attempt to promulgate their own cool-sounding nicknames. "Butch." Ooooooooo. Tough name you picked out for yourself, there, tough guy! Your real name is probably "Frances.")
So patrolling and doing my part for ANTIFA, I noticed the produce stand in front of Lake Country Meats. I'd been boycotting them for years. As a regular promotion, they used to stuff Patty W*cken and Dennis An*holt full of their greasy meats over the air, broadcasting live on their morning talk show, "Open Line." They sounded like they were being fed with funnels. Like they were trying to turn their livers into "Foie Gras," or something...the difference between them and the unfortunate geese of Quebec being their willingness.
"It's Friday! Time to slop Patty and Dennis!"...and the guttural symphony of smacking and gobbling would begin.
I listened to them squeal with delight before falling upon the proffered platters, the sounds of them slobbering and swallowing product after product filled the air. It became my regular Friday morning routine, until the sounds of their devouring gluttony became more than I could take. It disgusted me to the point that I couldn't listen to it anymore, and I shut it off.
So impolite: they were talking on the air with their wanton, Republican pie-holes packed full! They sounded like they couldn't shovel it into their gaping maws fast enough as they moaned with delight. You could barely understand their muffled propaganda anyways, with them trying to talk through all of that food, so after a while I stopped listening entirely, and shut them off forever, asking myself: Why? Why are you listening to this fascist debauchery? This is beyond opposition research! Stop subjecting yourself to this cacophony of gluttony! These opulent, bourgeois meat-gobbling slobs? These complicit, corpulent Kapos! You need to enlighten the masses! You need to SOUND THE ALARM! You need to FIGHT! You should be doing everything in your power to STOP THEM and their efforts to socially control and politically manipulate your town! Softening up the citizen's minds, readying them to recieve their brainwashed daily portion of afternoon AM air wave, low-brow Pubtard pablum from the likes of people like Phil Valentine and Rush Lumbaugh.
So, back to my Antifa patrol: I decided to use the pretext of making a purchase from the produce stand, in the parking lot, as my subterfuge and excuse for pulling into Lake Country Meats that September afternoon in 2023 with my Scooby-Doo Van and big-ass counter-propaganda boat-sign. My visit was timed to coincide with the busiest time of the day; when nearby Voyager Elementary School lets out.
I pulled up by the little produce stand, right out in the front part of the parking lot and right by the road, so that my signage was on full display: "BOYCOTT FASCIST KXRA ADVERTISERS." I exited the Combat Van with a friendly smile and approached the produce vendor in the shade of his brightly colored stand. I made as much small talk as I could before buying as little as I could get away with; a tomato. One tomato. I then continued malingering and loitering under the pretense of small talk while the van sat there prominently for all to see.
"How about those Twins? They sure know how to blow it, don't they? Yep. Just a farm team when you get down to it. Sometimes I feel like, if that's all that they're going to do, then they should just move the whole damn team down to AAA: They'd have just as much chance of winning the world series that way. Selling everybody as soon as they get good. That's why they keep losers like Max Keplar around. Man, these are beautiful tomatoes!" and on and on, ad nauseum, hoping to draw out the length of time that my sign would be on full display in their parking lot, and hoping to draw this as***le, Butch, out of the store and across the parking lot to the produce stand. It worked, because suddenly the short little s**t was right there at my elbow.
"What do you think your doing here?" He asked, incredulous. He was already worked up, just from my presence alone. I turned from my Twins and tomatoes talk with the suddenly uncomfortable, Kenny Rogers-looking produce vendor and answered him. "Don't worry about it, Jerk-face, it's got nothing to do with you.
"Oh? It doesn't, huh?"
"No," I countered, holding my tomato, "It doesn't: I'm buying tomatoes from this guy, so that's got nothing to do with you, or the boot-licker, N**i-looking Blue-line flags that you got inside your greasy, over-priced butcher shop , so run along and go try to play nice someplace else, where your less likely to get hurt."
"Oh ya?! Well what if I told you that I own this produce stand?!"
"You do?"
"Ya, that's right, I do!"
"Well....then I'd tell you that I want to return this tomato." I said, holding it out to him. I fully expected him to say "get f**ked," or "you ain't returning s**t," or "just get the f**k out of here..." but instead....he took the tomato from me! Out of habit or something, his gears shifted automatically from tough-talking schoolyard bully to principled shop keeper, catering to the customer.
"Ya, sure." He said. I handed it to him, and then he just froze, holding the tomato for a moment. He realized his mistake, and I beheld an intriguing blend of emotions rush across his face: Anger! Horror! Outrage! Defeat! Regret! You could practically hear his mind go "GOINK!" He stood there, seized in a conniption fit of rage, his face beginning to twitch and his limbs beginning to spasm....his will and his actions dissected and conflicted: He'd already taken the tomato back, and now he had to give me the money for it.
He opened his mouth again, but nothing came out. His head started shaking and his hat almost fell off. He finally emerged from his paroxysm of angst, and then spoke in a steely tone, steadying himself with some effort. "I'll get your change for you, and then you're LEAVING!"
"What are you trying to sound like, Clint Eastwood? We'll see about that, because I do as I damn well please, you clown. I'm telling you right now that I'm refusing to leave, so maybe you should just call the cops on me. I'd rather talk to them than you, anyways, but don't worry about all of that right now, and just go get me my change, errand boy."
He'd begun frantically digging in a glass jar of money, but couldn't get the correct coinage. It was at the bottom, and it was kind of windy, and I think he was affraid that his precious f**king money would blow away, cuz he suddenly gave up on trying to get the few coins from beneath all of the bills in that jar. When he realized that it wasn't going to work, he closed his eyes, slowly exhaled, and then spoke again.
"I'll be right back with your money and then you WILL be leaving." He said
"Just run and go get me my change, ERRAND BOY." I answered him again as he turned and stormed off across the parking lot to get me my correct change. He looked like a total cartoon boy. His wife, who had just come out, stayed on to keep watch. I said nothing to her. That was what they wanted me to do, so that they could say that I harrassed her.
"Jeez! What temper! He needs to take a pill or something! What a control freak and a psycho!" I muttered to myself in his absence, but loud enough for his wife and Kenny Rogers to overhear. God, that was fun. I was having such a good time causing his melt-down. He really hated that people were seeing my counter-propaganda posted up on his property. Finally he came back out and gave me my change after marching back over to us across the parking lot. (Why he didnt just round up, I'll never know. Couldn't stand the thought of me making money off of him, I guess) He honestly reminded me of Daffy Duck; back and forth and having fits like a cartoon.
"Now you take you stupid van and your damned sign and leave NOW! GO NOW! AND DON'T COME BACK OR I'LL HAVE YOU TRESPASSED!"
"Oh, ya?" I said, the prospect of him wasting $50 of his money hiring the cops to bring me a sheet of paper lying tantalizing close, I closed the deal. "Well, that's what you're gonna have to do, then, because I DO plan on coming back again! Whenever the hell I feel like it, mind you! And I'll drive my STUPID van and my DAMNED sign right up in here, and park it whenever I want! When you least expect it, too, tough guy! Then we'll have another 'Field Day.' We'll have a good old time, then! Just you and me!"
He was shaking with rage again. The hook was set.
"I'LL BE BACK, I SAID, GODDAMMIT!" I got in the van slowly, and very slowly, I finally drove my Scooby-Doo Van and big-ass boat sign, emblazoned with my counter-propaganda, out of his parking lot.
So that's the story of how I cost the fascist Butch C*le $50 and a tomato sale, and damn near a stroke judging from his uncontrollable angry face spasms of rage and bodily twitching.
The point of this tale was to demonstrate to the reader that I am anything but a key-board warrior, and I can often be found directly in front of the actual faces of those that I am ideologically opposed to, right out there in the really real. He says I'm a "Keyboard Warrior." He, of all people, knows better.
And BTW: Read his wording in the trespass order that the cops brought me. Do you think he has bugs in his store and he's trying to pretend that we put them there? Or like, maybe someone saw REAL bugs, so he's trying to make it sound like it was just FAKE BUGS? Sounds pretty unsanitary, to me. Budgets are tight, people. There are classier places in this town that you can go buy meat at, compared to this dumpy old gas station. Wendy got filet mignon at Elden's the other day for just $12.50 a pound.
All of the other places are cleaner and cost less. You won't have to feel like a seditionist, turn-coat Trump supporter or blue-line boot-licker while you're shopping at them, either. I heard their drains are clogged up, now, too. Probably a lot of grease, and the exoskeletons of many generations of dead bugs. If he tries to clear those drains with pressurized equipment, like it sounds like he is planning on, then he could end up cross-contaminating the whole store. A fine mist of whatever coats the inside of his drains could settle over every product in that store if its done improperly or something goes wrong. Probably safer to just shop somewhere else.
* See Minnesota Statutes Annotated, 609.40 Subdivision 2 (2)