We used to do a "Freak of the Week," in which we feature some local yokel, usually right-wing boot-licker type for everyone to laugh and jeer at.
Well...We're bringing it back.
The first undesirable to be eviscerated in this new era is M*ch*el P. W*lfe, birthday 4-07-1977. This right-wing, boot-licking f*ckhead is very loyal to the cops and the courts for dismissing his felony drug charges and letting him get a little job at the local Wal-mart, where he was the head of security. Do you know this as**at clown? Slimy-looking f*cker, ain't he? (And that's coming from ME.)
Who would want to hire him to do their drywall? Or painting? Or let him inside their home? He's an abusive P.O.S.
How do we KNOW that he's an abusive FREAK? What juicy little morsels and embarrassing tidbits have Wendy Hoff and I dug up? I'll tell you:
We have his ex-wife's application for an Order of Protection. This little right-wing PRICK likes to abuse women and children, as you are about to read!
Read here in these documents how he totally acts like a little spassoid and a power trooper. Stalking, threatening to beat and kill people, punching holes in the wall, and raising his little fists. Threatening self-harm, etc.. Threatening children. Threatening to "beat their faces in." Not so powerful, now, are you?
So enjoy the dirty laundry, my poisonous Alexandria kiddos! Until next week when we do J*son H*bred:
Congratulations, J*son, you scabby-looking f*ck! You're gonna be the next "Freak of the Week!" A moment which you've been waiting for for a very long time, but with a horrible twist for you, because it'll be YOUR ex-wife's application for an HRO that we'll be featuring, and it's sitting right here in my hot little hand, so sleep great, b*tch! (Oh, DRAT!!! "Satan wins again!"π€£ππ€£π)
The Editor, Judd Hoff