Whether you are a regular commenter or a lurker - we love that you visit The Runners Blog to read what we are writing about. With that said, this FaceBook page has been developed to give the readers of The Runners Blog another place where YOU can write about what is on YOUR mind! The readers are encouraged to:
* Share upcoming races you are attending
* Inform us of group runs you are participating
* Set up a meet-greet-run with other readers or the writers
* Ask running related or other questions
* Suggest topics you want covered on The Runners Blog
* Share your training tips
* Tell how or where you trained today
* Try to find a buddy for your long run this weekend
* Support each other
…and of course...brag about your own training or race results, PR's or other milestones...why not?...the contributors do it on the blog all the time ;-)
Whether you are a recreational runner or a racer, a 5Ker or a marathoner, the tortoise and the hare...we are all the same because we love to run!