The Absurdity of Not Believing in God
Some might not believe in a God because they don't see any persuasive reason or evidence to believe. They don't feel the need to believe in a god to explain the world around them. Nor do they think a god is necessary for human beings to lead good, happy, and meaningful lives.
I have been asked:
• Can you not believe in God and still go to heaven? Quick answer: NO
• What is it called when you stop believing in God? Quick answer: Sinner
• Can you sin if you don’t believe in God? Quick response: Sin is not based on your belief in God. Sin is Sin.
• Is it blasphemy to not believe in God? Quick response: Blasphemy is talking against some you believe in or don’t, so YES.
There are other questions I have been asked, but these are the more common ones. But the one I would say is the most frequently asked, at least asked of me, is this: “Why should I believe in God?”
Many have asked can you prove there is a God without using the Bible?
I believe there are several reasons why people deny that God exists. Some, especially in today’s chaotic world, say they reject the idea of God because they find it hard to believe, wondering if He exists, then why doesn’t He do something about all the evil that is rampant? One that is sad, at least to me, is “Too many hypocrites in the churches.”
I heard Dr. Billy Graham say several years ago: “The real reason most deny God’s existence can be summarized in one word: PRIDE. They want to run their own lives, and. They don’t want anyone—especially God—to interfere with how they’re living. They want to be in control of everything they do, and they know that if they were to believe in God, they’d have. To change their lifestyle. Instead of living by their list of right and wrong, they’d have to consider God’s moral standards seriously.”
However, to live with God is living without any hope. Hope of His presence with us; His name, Emmanuel, literally means “God with us” in this present life—no hope of eternity and the reality of heaven. For without God, there can be no heaven. They ultimately would have no actual purpose in life, only selfish goals and motivations. David the Psalmist wrote in Psalm 14:1, “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’”
Many non-Christians want to set the ground rules for the God debate. They will say, “Leave the Bible out of it” when discussing God, creation, absolute truth, morality, or the Bible itself. The thinking is that leaving the Bible out of the equation will put everyone on equal ground.
But, this is not neutral ground, for as Christians, we stand on the Word of God—it is the very foundation upon which we stand. In Luke 6:47-49, “I will show you what it’s like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and follows it. It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well-built.” It is everything we believe, and how we live is based on what it says. So, to not use the very scriptures we hold as the foundation upon which we build our faith, the building of any defense will undoubtedly come crashing down.
At this point, I would say to the debater you must disprove the very existence of God, and you must use the Bible. Why does he have to use the Bible simply because he will have to disprove my faith and belief in God’s Word to disprove the existence of God? I like what Isaiah says in 55:8-9, “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than yours and my thoughts higher than yours.”
There is no neutrality when talking about God. If you are an atheist, you have no neutrality when arguing against the thought of their being God. A Christian is likewise not neutral in arguing the existence of God. Why? Because each debater must presuppose a belief about God before laying out their logic that allows their arguments “for” or “against” there being God.
We find all true knowledge from the scriptures; ultimately, that knowledge comes from Jesus Christ. Look at Colossians 2:2-4, “Christ, in whom all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden. I tell you this so no one may deceive you with fine-sounding arguments.” Jesus made it very clear that the myth of neutrality is a false assumption when He said, “He who is not with me is against me” (Matthew 12:30; Luke 11:23). So, to allow a skeptic to move us to leave the Bible out of the debate, for the false assumption of being neutral is for us to move into that place of being against Jesus and His Word. So, in debating the existence of God and that He is the only true God, we cannot and must not discard His Word.
It all boils down to this: it is not so much the evidence for the Bible they do not accept; it is they don’t accept the fact that the Bible is true.
Pat and I were discussing along these lines as we traveled back today.
Based on many of the arguments against God and the Word of God, the Bible, let me pose this thought: “If the universe were just a random cosmic accident, there is no reason for it. It to follow certain laws.” Please allow me to make a couple of other points. From a little cartoon (Family Circle): the family is at a zoo, standing in front of the gorilla cage, when the child says: “If we evolved from apes, why are there still apes?” That is an excellent question. Ponder it. And one of my favorites: If we evolved from a slim pit of primordial goop, why is no goop still evolving into humans?
Probably the best argument that the Bible is true is that the laws of logic and morality and even our existence would not be possible if they were not. Without a logical God who created everything, including us (humanity), in His image, there would be no reason to believe there is any order, causality, or logic in the universe.
The Bible proves science and physics's very existence and logic and can be based on quantum physics. Look at Jeremiah 33:25: “But this is what the Lord says: I would no more reject my people than I would change my laws that govern night and day, earth, and sky.” God is saying nature’s physical and chemical laws are orderly and logical. If the universe were just a random cosmic accident as taught by the “Big Bang Theory,” then there would be no reason for it to follow specific laws, nor any reason we could understand any of it. You see, there is no way a person of actual science can explain why these laws exist or even where they came from. Most say: “Well, that’s just how it happened.” That is more of a leap of blind faith than believing in the existence of God and the validity of God’s Word, the Bible, as truth.
So, let’s next time look at the validity of the Bible being the very word of God.
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